Not a fan of anyone patting themselves on their back. Better off if a non connected person had penned these comments.

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Bob my employee wrote this if you go to the actual petition. I think my name got attached as the owner of the company. Hope you can recycle with us in the future!

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I’m not surprised that a media person put false information in a story.

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I did not write it my employee. To me it's a big deal my employee feels this way about me, our cause, and she's such a great person. The Dakota Scout does great reporting. I wouldn't say false information just the name who wrote the petition.

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They do a great job recycling and it's free . What is wrong with that? Any business person should be proud of that, would it be better if they were buying airtime on local media?

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I'm proud of my customers who have done their part over all these years saving precious space in our landfill. I did not write this petition but I'm proud of Abby who did on her own. I have great employees and hope to do recycling again in the Sioux Falls area.

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