Be in the Know!
The Dakota Scout is South Dakota’s leading journal of politics and culture, locally owned and printed in Sioux Falls, SD. Veteran reporters Jonathan Ellis and Joe Sneve cofounded the newspaper in 2022. They have more than 40 years of combined experience in South Dakota journalism, earning them reputations as dogged reporters who’ve not lost touch with their neighbors’ sensibilities.
The Scout’s logo is modeled after famous surveyors Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, representing our relentless pursuit of truth in a vast, new era of South Dakota journalism.
Stay on top of what’s happening at Sioux Falls City Hall and the State Capitol in Pierre with breaking news, investigative reporting and a constant drumbeat of information about the world around you.
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The Dakota Scout print edition
The Dakota Scout prints and distributes a newspaper each Friday that is free to the public at places like convenient stores, grocery stores, restaurants, coffee shops, bars and waiting rooms. While a paid subscription to does not include direct home delivery of the weekly newspaper, signing up today ensures you’ll receive the digital version of the weekly newspaper — we call it the E-edition — in your inbox each week.
You can also find a physical copy of The Dakota Scout at a location near you using our interactive map!
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Letters to the editor should be 300 words or less and include the writer’s name as well as town, city or county of residence.
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Office: (605) 271-4586
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NOTE: The Dakota Scout is an independent organization with editorial decisions made without consideration to our paid advertisers.