Dealing, "Woke" is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Derogating "woke" is a practice of some conservative extremists who apparently believe that being "woke" is a bad thing for Americans and should not be part of American culture or education. They believe (again apparently) that woke does not reflect a truthful or realistic view of what has happened in America race-wise and distorts our history. The woke culture is trying to get people to be aware of their contention that racial prejudice and injustice has been and still is a significant part of our history and culture.
Dealing, "Woke" is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Derogating "woke" is a practice of some conservative extremists who apparently believe that being "woke" is a bad thing for Americans and should not be part of American culture or education. They believe (again apparently) that woke does not reflect a truthful or realistic view of what has happened in America race-wise and distorts our history. The woke culture is trying to get people to be aware of their contention that racial prejudice and injustice has been and still is a significant part of our history and culture.
I may be a bit dim. What is "woke culture"?