Again, the SD legislators just won’t accept the judgment of its citizens. This is the problem with one party rule of state government, which SD has had for some time. At a certain point arrogance sets in and the party in charge feels they know what’s best regardless of what they’re being told by their constituents.

This is why citizens had to do the work of raising the minimum wage, restricting interest rates on payday loans, approving medical marijuana, voting down abortion bans twice and now Medicaid expansion.

Despite overwhelming approval by SD citizens, Rep. Venhuizen, and Sen Casey feel they need to “protect” South Dakotans from welfare recipients who receive assistance as a “lifestyle”. They need to check the numbers on welfare fraud in SD. It’s minimal to nonexistent. The purpose of Medicaid expansion is to provide health insurance coverage to people working for minimum wage and below a certain percentage of the poverty level. They’ve already admitted that they are exempting the disabled, pre school age children and the elderly who don’t have enough income. Who’s left?

Are there really thousands of South Dakotans wondering around looking for handouts and free health insurance? The uninsured end up in emergency rooms and acute care clinics which eventually raises health insurance rates for the rest of us.

The bill they intend to introduce does nothing to protect South Dakotans from anything. It is simply window dressing to make them look good before their conservative friends in the legislature and once again shows that the one party leadership in South Dakota simply refuses to accept the will of the people.

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always a good thing in GOPers minds to impose work requirements...making poor people who need help take a crappy job that won't even cover their gas money or childcare, - let alone rent - puts them further up against the wall -- just what they like to see -- sick.

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Sad. The Modern GOP is always worried about the Least of us getting something that the Modern GOP does not think they Deserve. Yet, they are the First in Line to Hand Out Corporate Welfare to their Cronies.

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You nailed it. The Modern GOP isn't fiscally conservative as the former GOP. They are part crazies and part folks would want to interfere in the health decisions of people, soak up the grants, Covid payments to businesses who never needed them (fast food restaurants, for example, that thrived duriing Covid), grants, tax incentives and breaks, subsidies for ethanol, oil and the sale of electric cars that the average guy can't afford to own or operate. The GOP has lost its way and the country is suffering for it.

The Modern GOP wants hand outs while cutting taxes on the wealthy, which both have lead to the massive federal debt. It's repulsive.

Top top it off, many of them still follow the biggest conman to ever enter politics, no matter how many of his former closest advisors testify that he is evil and a danger to democracy.

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How many recipients of Medicaid Expansion fall into this category? Are we talking about a significant number of individuals, or are there a only handful? I'd like to know the cost of administering extra oversight of working individuals vs any potential savings from this amendment.

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What does the SDGOP do to get their voters to the polls when they have an amoral insurrectionist Presidential candidate to be ashamed of at the top of the ticket, no Senate or Governor’s race, and a women’s rights issue on the ballot that just might get some of the younger generation interested in voting? They find a new group of people to get their voters self-righteously angry: able-bodied, working-age lazy poor people. This is a GOP voter turnout tool. If it passes, it will have little to no effect on Medicaid rolls, and among those it does keep off Medicaid will be many tragic stories. I wonder how much money SD Retailers and SD Chamber will be asked to put into this gimmick?

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“It is indeed difficult to imagine how men who have entirely renounced the habit of managing their own affairs could be successful in choosing those who ought to lead them. It is impossible to believe that a liberal, energetic, and wise government can ever emerge from the ballots of a nation of servants.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville

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In this opinion piece Rep. Venhuizen is advocating for constituents to make a decision on a constitutional amendment "giving the voters the opportunity....".

Rep. Venhuizen is also actively advocating for Decline to Sign to prevail in keeping a constitutional amendment off the ballot. In that case he doesn't believe voters should be given the opportunity to make a decision.

Hmmmm, self-serving much?

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“South Dakota voters passed Medicaid expansion in 2022, and the governor and state legislators honored that decision.” Our cup overfloweth.

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Always interesting to hear those who probably have never done manual labor insist that under-privileged others do the lifting, kneeling, sweeping, mopping....

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