Very well said Secretary Graves. You have set a great example for all to emulate but this is about those teachers still "in the trenches," the "front lines" of educating our children. Thank you teachers!
It's a glowing presentation of teachers, this is true. A Norman Rockwell version of teachers that in reality is far from the actual events that are now occurring daily in SD schools.
In reality SD schools test scores are terrible, a good score is 50%. Anybody ever graduate with a 50% grade point average? Not likely.
SD teachers and administrators just requested additional MILLIONS of dollars to create a NEW program to help in reading.
Want to know what this new and supposedly great teaching method is,,, Phonics. That's right teachers now want to teach phonics, the very same program they threw out the window about 10s years ago,, why because these Doctors of this and Masters of that, didn't like the old dusty method, phonics.
But now they do,, for MILLIONS more of your money.
Our legislators have been trying to keep boys out of girls locker rooms and trying to keep porn out of our school libraries but so far they hit a brick wall.
Want to know who's been building the brick wall?
Teachers and administrators that are members of the SD School Board Assoc., which is directly tied to the National School Board Assoc. The same NSBA that sent a letter to the FBI to request they use the power of the Federal government to spy on parents.
And the SD Education Assoc.(teachers), directly tied to the National Education Assoc. which advocates that books describing oral sex on adults by minors remain available in schools.
We have Trans ideologies, we have the newest craze, Furbies, we now get litter boxes in the schools and all the while administrators and our Sec. of Education sit with their idiotic smiles telling you we(teachers and administrators) are wonderful.
Yeah, time for the Sec. of Education to take the red pill
Good column. Now let teachers teach....(Social studies standards fiasco.)
A very thoughtful and appropriate column. I salute you, Dr. Graves! And I salute our fine body of teachers!!
Kudos for writing this richly deserved sentiment for our teachers.
Very well said Secretary Graves. You have set a great example for all to emulate but this is about those teachers still "in the trenches," the "front lines" of educating our children. Thank you teachers!
Well said--thank you and the state's teachers for the hard work and dedication!
Thank you so much South Dakota teachers!
Bravo to Dr. Graves.
It's a glowing presentation of teachers, this is true. A Norman Rockwell version of teachers that in reality is far from the actual events that are now occurring daily in SD schools.
In reality SD schools test scores are terrible, a good score is 50%. Anybody ever graduate with a 50% grade point average? Not likely.
SD teachers and administrators just requested additional MILLIONS of dollars to create a NEW program to help in reading.
Want to know what this new and supposedly great teaching method is,,, Phonics. That's right teachers now want to teach phonics, the very same program they threw out the window about 10s years ago,, why because these Doctors of this and Masters of that, didn't like the old dusty method, phonics.
But now they do,, for MILLIONS more of your money.
Our legislators have been trying to keep boys out of girls locker rooms and trying to keep porn out of our school libraries but so far they hit a brick wall.
Want to know who's been building the brick wall?
Teachers and administrators that are members of the SD School Board Assoc., which is directly tied to the National School Board Assoc. The same NSBA that sent a letter to the FBI to request they use the power of the Federal government to spy on parents.
And the SD Education Assoc.(teachers), directly tied to the National Education Assoc. which advocates that books describing oral sex on adults by minors remain available in schools.
We have Trans ideologies, we have the newest craze, Furbies, we now get litter boxes in the schools and all the while administrators and our Sec. of Education sit with their idiotic smiles telling you we(teachers and administrators) are wonderful.
Yeah, time for the Sec. of Education to take the red pill