Absolutely appalling to witness such negligence! Louisiana, consistently ranked among the bottom tier in education nationwide, has set a detrimental precedent, and now South Dakota seems to be following suit. I sincerely hope the ACLU takes action and holds the state accountable for this reckless approach to our children's education. It's time to stand up for our students and demand better

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If they really cared about morality they would hold the president accountable for his crimes and behavior. He breaks just about every commandment- what kind of role model is that? Posting the commandments isn’t going to make a difference when your parents support an adult that thinks he is above the law.

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Hopefully, the House of Reps will be more responsible and end this waste of resources and abuse of the citizenry.

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What an embarrassment.

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Can the students they refuse to feed eat them?

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George Carlin: "The Ten Commandments are about obedience and respect for authority; in other words it's simply a device for controlling people..."

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Posting the US Constitution in schools makes the most sense. Although the framers drew from enlightened sources like the Bible, the Magna Carta and multitudes of other sources, the document that is our Constitution is a rallying point to celebrate and appreciate that it was created in part by Biblical philosophy as a moral directive but not while creating peril for the non believers.

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Mandated display advocates put a dubious spin on the U.S. Constitution to promote the Ten Commandments as a "historical legal document," which it clearly isn't. That South Dakota does not require the display in public schools of the country's quintessential historical legal document—that same U.S. Constitution—is more than a little ironic. Furthermore, to sell this bill as "moral instruction" is disingenuous. The non-religious commandments dealing with secular morality don't need to be taught in public school either. Even five-year old children comprehend that lying, stealing, cheating and killing are bad. This bill is infused with religion, not history. Finally, Mr. Carley, the bill's sponsor, misrepresents the Supreme Court's decision in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District. He needs to actually read the case or have somebody explain it to him.

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Actually saw this point on another thread but loved the idea. Since it's all about "historical context", every teacher should also print out and post Jefferson's letter to Danbury Baptist even bigger than what is required in this law for size of 10 Commandments and post it in their classroom right next the 10 Commandments. I mean it is all about historical significance right....

We can't teach kids about two people loving each other who happen to be the same sex, but we can teach about adultery. Got it!

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This is the first time I heard the “teaching “ of the Ten Commandments. How about leading by example first, post the Ten Commandments in both chambers and recite them at the start of every legislative day. Stop preaching and start living by the Ten Commandments.

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Happy to help fund the lawsuit if this passes.

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Glad to see this. We have increasing behavior issues in our school and so many broken families. Aligning life with the 10 commandments will only bless people but that’s not what the bill is about. It’s about having historical documents displayed that our country was founded upon.

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Well we better teach them how to read first don’t you think. The displaying of the Ten Commandments won’t save even one student.

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Jamie Smith. The best the democrats have to offer.

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You can’t even handle a quote by a Democrat? You have to be demeaning? Oh that’s right it’s not in the Ten Commandments…it was just Jesus that told us to do unto others as you would have them do to you.

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What is Senator Carley's background? He claims he's seen no "documentation" that Native American values had an “influence on the foundation of America.” Yet a simple Google search reveals many articles on the topic and many basic college history courses document the influence on our Constitution and government wielded by Native Americans in general and, in particular, the Iroquois Great Law of Peace. But we should instead adopt a law from Louisiana, which uses the French system of law?

Not to mention, he makes that comment a day after Gov Rhoden promised a reset with the tribes? Some reset.

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