"...especially during peak mosquito hours from dusk to midnight." I think that used to be the case, but I think we now have mutants who love to attack at all hours, in sun or shade, day or night. Yikes!

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I wonder if Dr. Kristi, our renowned epidemiologist, should remind her fellow "patriots" that they have the FREEDOM to ignore all precautions recommended by real health community experts. If we lose a few of them to West Nile, well, so be it.

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Ah - the party of peace, tolerance and love...

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As for my initial comment, of course I'm not interested in having people die. That's called poetic license, sister. On the other hand, I would hope some of those patriots would wise up and realize that Noem is remarkably unqualified to advise people on any subject that takes thought and reason and intelligence. The most pathetic thing about Kristi is that truth has no hold over her. And that, sister, is about as deplorable a trait as one can have.

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How do you give yourself grace for hateful comments, but no one else? Poetic license is not your exclusive property. Hate is an ugly thing - it renders you incoherent.

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Trust me, Noem doesn't know what poetic license means. Furthermore, even if I were seriously hateful—and I wasn't—I don't pretend to or have a duty to represent all of the people in South Dakota. I have a bit more latitude than Kristi Noem in that regard. As for being incoherent, I'm pretty sure anybody with a brain is picking up on my points. I won't keep this thread going, but, suffice it to say, you're not coming out a winner.

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Your anonymity forced me to check your Dakota Scout history to make sure I was reading this correctly as sarcasm. Since I was, allow me to point out that Noem has never expressed tolerance, let alone love, for anyone not in lockstep with her selfish values. She does not hide her contempt either for her "enemies." In that same vein, explain to us the reason for General Noem's repeated use of war references in her rhetoric inciting her "patriots" to go to battle for a despicable Donald Trump.

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You wished death on those who don't agree with you.

War references... Hmmm. Under Trump, no new wars. Under Biden the US war machine is in full swing around the world, and if you count nationwide coordinated riots on behalf of Hamas, here at home. The only internment camps the US ever had were under Democrat President Franklin D Roosevelt. The major escalation of the US participation in the Vietnam War was under Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson - so bad that the Democrat Chicago Convention was the site of a violent insurrection. The only murder of a US citizen by a US president's official action (that we know of) was by Barak Obama, who ordered a drone strike that killed Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old United States citizen.

You are blind and insane in your rage. No politician is perfect, that is for absolute sure. But some are better than others at enacting policies that don't rob the working class through inflation and taxation and that don't widen the gap between the working class and the uber-rich class that you seem to admire and adore - George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, JB Pritzker, Paul Pelosi, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.

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No wonder you're anonymous. You're an idiot. As for being "blind and insane," I urge you to look at all of those who seem unfazed by Noem's inability to tell the truth. That should disturb you and them. By the way, sister, you don't have a fucking clue whom I admire, so stuff that back where it came from.

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