Without drawing conclusions I' am not competent to make, I hope (and assume) our President, and Congress are including the following facts in their assessment of the Hamas attack on Israel:

Russia and Iran are closely linked and Iran has been supplying drone weaponry to Russia.

Iran funds Hamas.

The only reason Ukraine is still in the war is because the US has been supplying weaponry to Ukraine.

Putin is obviously aware of GOP pressure on Biden to stop deficit spending and that funding the Ukrainian defense at least at the level the US has been funding it is such a contentious issue that the funding was left out of the last spending appropriation.

Putin knows the US backs Israel and has pledged to come to her defense.

Is it possible that Putin by means of Iran is behind the Hamas attack in an attempt to either stretch the US so thin that we must abandon supporting Ukraine (a clever way to manipulate the US if true and to win his war) or that we furnish armaments to Israel that otherwise would have gone to Ukraine.

What wickedness in any event.

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Geesh, Joe! Couldn't find any Democrats to express support for Israel? Or didn't you look past your nose? Were any elected Dems invited to this vigil? I bet not, and why not?? Another republican PR event to cast a shine on their two-faces; the one that talks to the camera and mic, and the other, the Congress with no Speaker and unable to authorize funds to support Israel. If there's no money in the budget for Ukraine, where do we find the dollars for Israel, Repubs? Ooops, I forgot! You still want to fight over who won 2020, prosecuting Joe Biden and looking for Hunter's laptop. Hey, Netanyahu, how's it feel to be, meh, not so important after all!

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Remembering England's expulsion of Irish homeowners from their lands to allow a massive influx of English settlers’ ownership of confiscated properties starting in the 1550's, and followed by further English ethnic cleansing of Irish Catholics who owned most of the rich farmlands...

The Irish people never forgot - and never will forget...

Since that original plunder and religious cleansing, the Irish people, through Sinn Fein, the IRA, and other "terrorist" organizations, have initiated over 20 rebellions - most very bloody and unremorseful...

The rest of the world mostly sympathized with England - as today's world mostly sympathizes with the Israelis...

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I guess you're on the side of those who chop off innocent babies' heads. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I'm not anonymous, do not indulge in ad hominem attacks, and am a real person with a sad appreciation of the past...

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Are you justifying the killing of babies and the rape of women?

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