I must respectfully disagree with his opinion on SB201. The public has been very vocal and public in our objection to SCS's pipeline in particular because of what it will be carrying. SCS brought this upon itself after the brazen and UNINVITED ENTRY into someone's home. I will never tolerate such an action by anyone and I highly doubt that Mr. Goodwin WOULD tolerate such an intrusion into his home.
Fortunately for that SCS idiot, the wife who was home alone, did not exercise her Castle Doctrine rights!
The title of SB 201 states "An Act to provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities. to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies and to declare an emergency".
Section 7 is quite specific when it comes to preventing LOCAL ORDINANCES from interfering with any provision of Chapter 49-41B. So, fellow South Dakotans, SCS and its ilk has been given the authority to do so by 63 of 104 legislators in both chambers AND the governor. So these 64 folks in Pierre have told councilmen, councilwomen, town trustees and county commissioners to "GO POUND SAND!"
Regarding Candidate Goodwin's statement about "If it's done by the ballot, then special interest groups throw money at it", to which I remind, or point out, to everyone that SCS donated $10,000 to the Governor's Ball.
I also want to remind everyone that the CO2 dumpsite was to be in North Dakota, but their PUC denied a permit for that site SO WHERE WILL THE CO2 BE DUMPED??
I don't believe that any of the 603.000+ registered South Dakota voters will see one cent from any pipeline company to get us to defeat the anti-SB 201 bill.
I must respectfully disagree with his opinion on SB201. The public has been very vocal and public in our objection to SCS's pipeline in particular because of what it will be carrying. SCS brought this upon itself after the brazen and UNINVITED ENTRY into someone's home. I will never tolerate such an action by anyone and I highly doubt that Mr. Goodwin WOULD tolerate such an intrusion into his home.
Fortunately for that SCS idiot, the wife who was home alone, did not exercise her Castle Doctrine rights!
The title of SB 201 states "An Act to provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities. to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies and to declare an emergency".
Section 7 is quite specific when it comes to preventing LOCAL ORDINANCES from interfering with any provision of Chapter 49-41B. So, fellow South Dakotans, SCS and its ilk has been given the authority to do so by 63 of 104 legislators in both chambers AND the governor. So these 64 folks in Pierre have told councilmen, councilwomen, town trustees and county commissioners to "GO POUND SAND!"
Regarding Candidate Goodwin's statement about "If it's done by the ballot, then special interest groups throw money at it", to which I remind, or point out, to everyone that SCS donated $10,000 to the Governor's Ball.
I also want to remind everyone that the CO2 dumpsite was to be in North Dakota, but their PUC denied a permit for that site SO WHERE WILL THE CO2 BE DUMPED??
I don't believe that any of the 603.000+ registered South Dakota voters will see one cent from any pipeline company to get us to defeat the anti-SB 201 bill.