The article states:

It’s unclear when that vote will take place, Merkouris said, though it would happen only if the city first closes on the purchase of the land and no sooner than late 2025.

Isn't this the cart before the horse? We are going to spend 8.1 M on land before we know if the citizens want us to? I'm sure the seller will be happy. Has the city ever heard of an Option to Purchase? Why bother with an "advisory vote"? If it turns out that the citizens think its a bad idea, are we stuck with having paid 8.1 M for land without an agreed upon use for it, or does the term "advisory vote" really just mean "somebody has this project greased and its going ahead anyway regardless of what the non-binding election results are?

Bottom line, an Option to Purchase and then a vote makes a ton more sense.

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Makes no difference, it’s only our tax dollars. Look how well the flub on Tenth St east of Phillips turned out. We have a decorated wall to show for it.

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