Open Primaries allows EVERYONE to vote. Seems like a basic good government/conservative thought to me.

And did i Did I read this correctly? “Clean up our culture…..”. What the heck does that mean? He and his people promote freedom except for girls and women.

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And gay and trans people

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What exactly is the conservative agenda? Odenbach implies that the conservative agenda strives to "Keep it free, with equal opportunity for all (tell that to women), without corruption or slush-fund favoritism, with a low crime rate and limited tax burden (limited but not fair, e.g., a tax on groceries that impacts the poorest among us the most). Make education innovation and parental choice a priority and free families to choose the best environment for their kids." South Dakota has been run by conservatives now for years--and while I can say what I thought it used to mean, I'm not sure what Odenbach means by much of this, e.g., slush-fund favoritism (I'd argue Noem has recently engaged in a bit of this when she funded the shooting range with public dollars at her disposal), and we've certainly had some corruption. I think parents have lots of choice, unless by choice he means taking public dollars to finance private educational options which seems counterproductive if you're truly looking for innovation in public education. The blue print for the next conservative President, Project 2025, seeks to eliminate the Department of Education, NOAA, and the Department of Homeland Security. It urges cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and effectively eliminates the separation of church and state in favor of a Christian Nationalist agenda and all that comes with agenda, including national bans on abortion without exceptions. If you include conservative economic policies, tariffs and tax cuts for corporations, I fail to see how that "works if you try it." Tariffs devastated agriculture requiring billions in subsidies to offset the loss of foreign export markets and cutting corporate tax rates has been a disaster. The national debt rose almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country. Contrast that with the last 4 years where the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing. The S&P 500 went up 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year. Unemployment is under 4% a 50 year low. Inflation is down to the average over the last 100 years. Serious crime, murder for example, is down significantly. I'm not saying we're without serious issues, but the conservative agenda as it's played out as of late, and certainly as it's written in Project 2025, does not support the "try it you'll like it" approach Odenbach advocates and is not what the vast majority of Americans want or need.

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OMG, the Conservative Agenda invites a self-proclaimed Black Nazi who wants to own slaves to a Dakota First speaking engagement in Sioux Falls. (At least acknowledging slavery is a human condition over millennium, not a recent European invention.) The Conservative Agenda invites the corrupt leadership of one convicted of 34 felonies, and charged with many more. The Conservative Agenda is the state legislature overturning the voters initiative imposing legislative ethics; overturning the voters decriminalization of small amounts of cannabis, overturning the voters will to reproductive healthcare freedom; and likely overturning the voters repeal of the sales tax on food. The Conservative Agenda is overturning the Founders separation of church and state when they channel public funds to church-based schools. There is little 'conservative' in Odenbach's faux conservative agenda - rather the agenda is a radical transformation of 240 years of American life.

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“Make education innovation and parental choice a priority” Does the parental right include a woman’s right to choose, or does she have to follow the dictates of conservative state and or church?

Does that conservativism include the many attempts by our State government to ruin our environment with ecological disasters like expansion of the DM&E railroad that wanted to haul many trainloads of coal per day across our state to points eastward but particularly to the Big Stone II power plant and the Basin Electric plant in Shelby. (After that was turned down, because if the Minnesota PUC, Basin Electric is now starting the largest solar power generator in the State.) Other polluters recommended by our State Government over the years included two pipelines carrying the tar sands oil from Calgary, the “Gorrilla” project which would have put an oil refinery and a coal burning power plant on some of the richest farmland in the state near Elk Point andwhich would have use hundreds of thousands of gallons of Missouri River water per day.

How is that conservative?

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So where and what are the specifics of this conservative platform?

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GREAT piece. Not only does it work… it’s what millions and millions of Americans want. South Dakota is now known to the world because people-centric, conservatism works. Lean into it. Reject H.

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I had to reread this 4 times to catch all the innuendos piled in it. Clean up our culture? What is the author referring to? Clean up our communities, once again what is the meaning behind these words. We have a Governor, not a CEO? I will not even waste my words on that one. The current Governor could not be any closer to a CEO than her elected position. Why are both parties resistant to allowing all registered voters partake in elections? I’m sure it’s not out of fear that one of the parties will lose control. Should only the SD residents who are affiliated with either party pay taxes? The unaffiliated voters don’t get to cast their votes but are forced to follow the mandates of the party in control. It seems South Dakota not only prefers to suppress the independent or other party voters just as it does women’s rights, its duty to assure children are being fed and have safe, stable housing but now a lecture about “cleaning up” our culture, cities and towns. You can dress up a hog and put on lipstick but it’s still a hog underneath.

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For Odenbach, taken directly from his letter, the conservative agenda is freedom, equal opportunity for all, no corruption, a low crime rate, limited tax burden. education innovation, parental choice, families free to choose the best environment for their kids, clean culture, clean waterways. I don’t know many people, conservative or otherwise, who would NOT support these goals. The devil is in the details, though. Each goal or ‘end’ above is achieved by a means, and for those deeply conservative, the means justifies the ends. The trouble is that conservative ‘means’ is always a zero sum game: for the conservative agenda to win, someone has to lose. And if winning comes at the price of corruption, that’s justified, too. In the end, ‘conservative’ is just a label; it is invoked in whatever context seems supportive of the user’s viewpoint. Let’s get beyond labels and hear exactly what, for example, ‘parental choice’ means when it comes to curricular content, which books the library has on its shelves, and whether we actually do produce inquisitive life-long learners or social clones whose exposure to nature, metaphysics, art and so on is truncated by limited agenda.

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I was a Liberal when I moved here. It didn’t take me long to realize that this state actually does work well. And I believe it does because it is run conservatively. Anybody from a deep blue state, like I was, would agree. I am no longer liberal.

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Representative Scott Odenbach is an excellent incumbent legislator with solid experience. He is a family man and is an attorney. He serves on House Judiciary and House Education. It is an honor

to serve with him for three terms. I agree that we should say No to H. Other states want what South Dakota has. We balance our budgets and we take care of constituents. Simply put people count and conservatism works.

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Being wealthy and having control of the government works. Try it!

(Of course it does, if you are rich and control the government to comply with your agenda. And, of course it doesn't if the opposite is true.)

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