I am a young farmer with a family who has deep roots in the land that has seen both the potential for a C02 pipeline and a state penitentiary, I was born, raised, and even married on this piece of land that has been targeted.
I, along with other neighbors, attended the press conference in Sioux Falls this week announcing the launch of South Dakotans First. We came to listen about the pipeline and also become more informed about eminent domain. Folk in our parts have spent the last year fighting a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline that would run through their land — and now a new project, a penitentiary, is being proposed.
My primary concern isn't just about losing our ability to farm this land; it's about the long-term consequences. As a young farmer, this is very worrisome for my family's future and all the families in the surrounding areas.
Our community is organizing and fighting for what is right for our families and their future, just like those in the South Dakota First Coalition. Our goal is the same. We believe it is time to put South Dakotans First.
Sam Eiesland & family,
Lincoln County
This takes NIMBYism to a new level. Now it is NIMC (not in my county) or NIMS (not in my state).
To the young farmer: The state owns the land, and like any land-owner, can use the land in a pretty wide manner. I think having a new prison is a good idea.
In this country, the voices of mostly uneducated people who have no idea of the actual issues are elevated. In the 1950s, led by DD Eisenhower, we in the US built a huge network of interstate highways. Local concerns were ignored because the highway system was desperately needed. Today, it would be completely impossible to do this again. Environmental impact statements, lawyers representing NIMBY locals, etc would stop it dead. This is what happened in CA with the high-speed rail project - local interests stopped this good idea.
We need a new prison. Rural Lincoln Ct is a great place to put it. Let's ignore NIMBY locals and break ground.
Israel financially rewards their settlers living near the Gaza border. Not really comparable, but might not a similar reward system f(i.e. reduced property taxes) or similar be appropriate for those landowners living near "unwanted" facilities like penitentiaries, landfills, sewer treatment plants, etc...