Legals & Public Notices: Oct. 11, 2024
City of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls School District, Notices to Creditors, Hearing Notice, Bid Notices, Name Change, Summons, Pardon Applications
PUBLISH: Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024
Notice is hereby given that the School Board of the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, during the regular meeting of the School Board, which begins at 12:00 P.M., in the Board Room of the Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for the purpose of considering Career and Technical Education Academy (CTE) – Agriculture and Carpentry Addition Project, in accordance with SDCL 13-16-9.3. School Board, Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota. By: Todd Vik, Business Manager. This notice may be viewed free of charge on a 13 statewide public notice website maintained pursuant to § 17-2-1.
Published twice on Oct. 4, Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $18.22, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests formal bids for Pad-Mounted Transformers.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this invitation for bid. Bids will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, October 24, 2024. Immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened and read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Invitation for Bid, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024 at the approximate cost of $29.03, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024
Nineteen Flags, LLC (Developer) requests formal bids for Northeast Basin Sanitary Sewer Improvements: Basin 24 Trank Sanitary Sewer at Mapleton Golf Course.
Bidders shall be aware that while the City of Sioux Falls is administering the bid letting, contracts for construction will be directly with the Developer and Owner.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this invitation for bid. Bids will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, Thursday, October 17, 2024. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
It is the bidder’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Invitation to Bid, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid.
The Developer and City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024 at the approximate cost of $35.29, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests formal bids for Asbestos Removal and Disposal.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “Register” next to the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this invitation for bid. Bids will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, October 24, 2024. Immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened and read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
There will be a pre-bid meeting held on October 15, 2024, at 3 p.m. at 1000 E. Chambers St., Sioux Falls, SD for interested bidders.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Invitation for Bid, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024, at the approximate cost of $33.01, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests competitive sealed proposals for Vending Services.
To participate, proposers must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view the solicitation. Proposals will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central standard time, October 31, 2024. Proposals will be publicly opened but not read at 3 p.m., Central standard time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Competitive Sealed Proposal, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the solicitation in Bonfire.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids or proposals, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024, at the approximate cost of $30.74, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests competitive sealed proposals to complete Preliminary Design and State Revolving Fund (SRF) Facility Plan Preparation for the City of Sioux Falls Water Reclamation Primary Clarifier Expansion Project.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this Request for Proposal. Proposals will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire no later than 2 p.m., Central time, November 14, 2024. Immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened but not read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the request for proposal, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024, at the approximate cost of $33.58, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests formal bids for the Removal of Ash Trees in the City Right-of-Way.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this invitation for bid. Bids will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, October 31, 2024. Immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened and read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
There will be a pre-bid meeting held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 11 a.m. at the City Center, Room 110, for interested bidders. A virtual option is available upon request.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Invitation for Bid, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024, at the approximate cost of $34.14, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, 2024
Section 1. That Section 96.087 of the Code of Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD, is hereby amended to read:
§ 96.087 PERMIT FEE.
The following fees shall be charged for permits. The city shall compute the amount of the fee which shall be paid to the city. No fee provided for by this section shall be charged for work for city purposes by departments of the city.
Permit Fee
Construction permit (installation of public improvements; including street grading, curb and gutter, roadway subbase, base and surface, drainage and flood control, water, and sanitary sewer in proposed subdivisions) $50
Excavation and grading permit (grading outside the street right-of-way in proposed subdivisions and individual lots as defined by the Uniform Building Code) $50
Other fees:
Permanent repair during winter when weather permits usage of permanent patch 0–16 square feet $180
For each additional square foot $8
Replacing asphaltic surface cuts, permanent repair when hot asphalt is available 0–16 square feet $140
For each additional square foot $4
A mobilization charge of $50 will be assessed if the patch area is not properly prepared and the city patch crew has been requested to the site.
The city reserves the right to require the contractor to provide their own qualified asphalt contractor for patching of the street. All expenses incurred are to be paid by the contractor.
Sewer, water and sump pump permit (installation, removal, repair or maintenance of sanitary sewer services, water services, storm sewer services and sump pump services) $50
Sidewalk and driveway permit (new access points from private property to city streets including construction or repair of driveways and sidewalks. Any person who repairs or replaces a sidewalk within the right-of-way and in front of or along a residential property owned by him or her shall be exempt from the sidewalk and driveway permit fee.) $15
Street cut permit (installation, removal, repair or maintenance of private facilities other than sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer services in the public right-of-way or easement) $30
Sump pump collection system permit (connection to an existing collection system not constructed by the developer of lot connecting to the system) $454
Sump pump connection permit (installation of sump pump discharge line from building to storm sewer or collection system) $10
Contractors and utility companies will be billed monthly, payable within 30 days after the billing date.
Date adopted: 10/08/24.
Erica Beck for Paul TenHaken, Mayor
Denise D. Tucker for Jermery J. Washington, City Clerk
Published once on Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $36.66, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, 2024
City Council Meeting
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Carnegie Town Hall, 235 West 10th St., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104
Present: Council Member Ryan Spellerberg, Council Member Miranda Basye, Council Member Sarah Cole, Council Member Rich Merkouris, Council Member Jennifer Sigette, Council Member Curt Soehl
Absent: Council Member Richard L. Thomason, Council Member David Barranco, Mayor Paul TenHaken
• Pastor Quentin Beard, Lead Pastor, LifeChange Church
A motion was made by Council Member Sigette and seconded by Council Member Basye to approve the Consent Agenda.
Roll call vote to approve. 6 Yes: Spellerberg, Basye, Cole, Merkouris, Sigette, Soehl; 0 No: (None). Motion Passed.
• Informational Meeting of Tuesday, October 1, 2024
• Regular City Council Meeting of Tuesday, October 1, 2024
6. Notice of Contracts/Agreements under $100K and Change Orders over $100K through September 30, 2024.
7. Approval of contracts/agreements over $100K on the memorandum dated October 4, 2024.
8. Approval of a request pursuant to SDCL 35-1-5.5 from Ashley Menor and Cory Burkard to consume, but not sell, alcoholic beverages at the Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum, 1900 S. Perry Pl., on November 16, 2024.
The City Council concurs with the Minnehaha County Commission’s recommendation for approval of the following abatements:
9. Parcel #30118, for 2023 property taxes in the amount of $726.23. Reason: Applicant qualifies for exemption under SDCL 10-4-40 & 10-4-41 (Disabled Veteran).
10. Parcel #83943, for 2023 property taxes in the amount of $1,370.39. Reason: Applicant qualifies for exemption under SDCL 10-4-40 & 10-4-41 (Disabled Veteran).
A motion was made by Council Member Cole and seconded by Council Member Spellerberg to approve the Regular Agenda.
Roll call vote to approve. 6 Yes: Spellerberg, Basye, Cole, Merkouris, Sigette, Soehl; 0 No: (None). Motion Passed.
Sponsors: Council Members Spellerberg and Barranco
A motion was made by Council Member Spellerberg and seconded by Council Member Cole to adopt Ordinance No. 91-24.
Roll call vote to adopt. 6 Yes: Spellerberg, Basye, Cole, Merkouris, Sigette, Soehl; 0 No: (None). Motion Passed.
Sponsor: Mayor
A motion was made by Council Member Cole and seconded by Council Member Sigette to adopt Resolution No. 109-24.
Roll call vote to adopt. 6 Yes: Spellerberg, Basye, Cole, Merkouris, Sigette, Soehl; 0 No: (None). Motion Passed.
That it gives its advice and consent to the following Mayoral appointments:
Name Board Term
Travis Ball Mechanical Board of Appeals and Examiners Reappointed for a term from October 2024 to October 2027.
Marten Christensen Mechanical Board of Appeal and Examiners Reappointed to a term from October 2024 to October 2027.
Darrel Bartell Property Maintenance Board of Appeals Reappointed to a term from October 2024 to October 2027.
Tony Erickson Property Maintenance Board of Appeals Reappointed to a term from October 2024 to October 2027.
Date adopted: 10/08/24.
Erica Beck for Paul TenHaken, Mayor
Denise D. Tucker for Jermery J. Washington, City Clerk
Sponsors: Council Members Barranco and Merkouris
A motion was made by Council Member Merkouris and seconded by Council Member Basye to adopt Resolution No. 108-24.
Roll call vote to adopt. 6 Yes: Spellerberg, Basye, Cole, Merkouris, Sigette, Soehl; 0 No: (None). Motion Passed.
WHEREAS, the Audit Committee shall develop and recommend to the City Council for approval an audit plan pursuant to Section 32.022 of the Code of Ordinances; and
WHEREAS, the Audit Committee has developed such a plan for the ensuing years;
That the document attached to and part of this resolution, entitled Three-Year Audit Plan, is hereby approved.
That Internal Audit is authorized to carry out the audits and other projects as described in the Three Year Audit Plan.
Date adopted: 10/08/24.
Erica Beck for Paul TenHaken, Mayor
Denise D. Tucker for Jermery J. Washington, City Clerk
There was none.
Chester Deyoung spoke about easements on his property, and his issues with the City surrounding them.
David Zokaites spoke about abortion.
Tim Stanga spoke about the Riverline District and questioned the timeline regarding the newly selected committee members.
Zachariah Rogers spoke about the lack of government transparency.
James Johnson told a story reflecting on how the City Council doesn’t listen to its constituents.
Catherine Riffle spoke about seeking restitution after police officers arrested someone in her home and took several items, including $6,000 cash.
Steven Siano spoke about Israel.
Bruce Head spoke about the court system, filing a $2.5M lawsuit against the City of Sioux Falls and some local judges, and plans to file a $5M lawsuit against the State of South Dakota.
Sierra Broussard spoke about a retiring police officer, a recent murder in a park, Joe Batcheller, and running for City Council.
Riggin Scheer spoke about the City Council not listening to the will of the people.
A motion was made by Council Member Merkouris and seconded by Council Member Basye to adjourn at 6:50 p.m.
Voice vote to adjourn. 6 Yes: Spellerberg, Basye, Cole, Merkouris, Sigette, Soehl; 0 No: (None). Motion Passed.
Published once on Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $77.25, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024
Sealed bids for Heated Transport Cabinets (CNS) PD #3470, will be received at the Central Services Center, Purchasing Department, 1101 North Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 57104, up until 11:00 AM, Monday, October 14, 2024. Bids will be publicly opened, read, and tabulated 11:00 AM of said day in the Central Services Center. Bids will be presented to the School Board at the next succeeding regular Board meeting, all in accordance with Board policy. Specifications and Bid Forms may be obtained at
pending-bids-and-request-for-proposals or the Purchasing Department in the Central Services Center, 1101 North Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. All bids and contracts shall be made in accordance with and subject to SDCL 5-18A, 5-18B, 5-18C, 5-18D, 5-21, 5-22 and the provisions set forth in the specifications. The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof, and to waive any irregularities. School Board, Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota. By: Todd Vik, Business Manager. This notice may be viewed free of charge on a 13 statewide public notice website maintained pursuant to § 17-2-1.
Published twice on Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $26.76, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, 2024
The School Board of the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, was called into regular session, pursuant to due notice, on Monday, September 23, 2024, at
5:30 p.m. in the Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with the following members present: Marc Murren, Gail Swenson, and President, Carly Reiter. Absent: Dawn Marie Johnson and Nan Kelly. Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent of Schools, Todd Vik, Business Manager, and Brett Arenz, In-House Counsel, were also present.
DeeAnn Konrad, Community Relations Coordinator, highlighted board member Dawn Marie Johnson, and her participation in Project 437 for Suicide Prevention. Mrs. Konrad also spoke on school safety and precautions to take, emphasizing, ‘report, don’t repost’.
Action 39616
A motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Marc Murren, three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, approving the minutes of the meetings held September 4, 2024, and September 9, 2024 which were furnished to the Sioux Falls Dakota Scout for publication, in unapproved form, all in accordance with SDCL §13-8-35.
Persons Wishing to Address the School Board: Erin Huber-School Safety, and Tim Eckart- Education Foundation.
Action 39617
A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, approving the agenda as presented.
Action 39618
A motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Marc Murren three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, approving Items A through H of the consent agenda, as follows:
A. Approving the payment of payroll to all employees of the District for the month of August 2024 in the amount of $15,919,540.80 (see MRF #19461).
B. Approving pages 1 through 82 of list of claims dated September 9, 2024 in the amount of $11,842,727.35; it being understood that in publishing claims the Business Manager shall publish name of each claimant, purpose, and amount of each expenditure as required by SDCL 13-8-35; it is further understood that any claim for Sanford Healthcare System shall be removed from this action and approved by a subsequent action (see MRF #19462).
Claimant Description Amount
Fidelity Security L 9/24 Vol Vision Wir $2,433.25
Fidelity Security L 9/24 Nv Vision Wire $40,633.15
Healthequity 8/24 Flex Fees Wire $1,834.00
Insurance Trust Fun 9-1-24 Er Med/Vis $17,961.80
Insurance Trust Fun 9-1-24 Esc Med/Vis $552,357.58
Insurance Trust Fun 9-1-24 Med/Vis $3,473,585.38
Lincoln National Li 9-1-24 Act Er Life $11.00
Lincoln National Li 9-1-24 Act Esc Std $475.80
Lincoln National Li 9-1-24 Act Esc Life $4,278.19
Lincoln National Li 9-1-24 Act Std Prem $5,194.80
Lincoln National Li 9-1-24 Act Ltd Prem $5,308.63
Lincoln National Li 9-1-24 Act Life Pre $29,376.88
S.D. Dept Of Revenu 1018-1619-St Fy24 T $19,716.00
S.D. Retirement Sys Per/Well $147.20
S.D. Retirement Sys Per/Well $492.80
S.D. Retirement Sys Vac $6,332.72
S.D. Retirement Sys Vac/Sick $12,231.96
S.D. Retirement Sys 2024 Special Pay De $18,421.00
S.D. Retirement Sys Aug 24 Sdrs Wire $1,880,441.11
S.D. Retirement Sys Special Pay Fees $180.00
S.F. Sch. Dist. No Adv Pay $1,000.00
S.F. Sch. Dist. No Adv Pay $1,000.00
S.F. Sch. Dist. No. 8/24 Spending Accts $108,119.48
Voya Financial 9/24 Stop Loss $168,715.75
Professional Services $25,600.00
A To Z World Languages Inc Interpreter Costs $2,570.00
Ab Propane Inc Other Supplies $163.92
Abecedarian Abc, Llc Classroom Supplies $23.63
Ace Neon Signs Corp Other Supplies $892.00
Achor, Luke Professional Services $410.00
Acp Direct Classroom Supplies $853.86
Adorama New General Equipment $5,564.16
Advanced Pest Solutions Professional Services
Other Property Services $299.00
Advanced Telephone Systems Inc Telephone $992.50
Align Content Studio Advertising $750.00
Allhearts, Llc Clothing For Resale $31.14
Allison N Struck Dues & Fees $545.00
Allison Zeller Sundquist Classified Out Dist Travl $229.89
American Ink Llc Other Supplies $1,411.19
American Solutions For Business Other Supplies $543.56
American Time And Signal Building Improvements $1,128.27
Amplify Classroom Supplies $1,461.60
A-Ox Welding Supply Corp New General Equipment $2,300.00
Apple Inc New General Equipment $329.00
Ashley Jane Kemmis Food Purchases $135.26
Aspi Solutions, Inc New General Equipment $1,417.00
Ati Assessment Technologies Inst Ll Classroom Supplies $148.00
Augspurger, Molly Professional Services $125.00
Auto Body Specialties Inc Classroom Supplies
Supplies For Resale $453.84
Automatic Security Co Inc Bldg Repair Supplies $159.00
Avera Mckennan Professional Services $19,810.00
B & H Photo Video Inc Classroom Supplies
Warehouse Inventory $538.90
Background Investigation Bureau Llc Professional Services $708.00
Band Shoppe Other Supplies $1,655.50
Barnes & Noble Bookseller Classroom Supplies $896.00
Bavco Equipment Repair $123.10
Beal Distributing, Inc Supplies For Resale $216.36
Becker, Dennis Professional Services $120.00
Bednarczyk, Natalia Professional Services $211.84
Beers, Jerry Professional Services $195.87
Benchmark Education Co Llc Textbooks $2,524.50
Benson, Joelle Professional Services $70.00
Benz, Josh Professional Services $125.00
Berg, Darin Professional Services $505.00
Betz Blinds Inc Building Improvements $588.00
Big Splash Dunk Tank Rentals Equipment Rental $199.99
Birozy, Hunter Professional Services $240.00
Black Hills State University Dues & Fees $3,929.81
Blake K Miller Software, Videos, Etc. $116.49
Blegen, Michael Professional Services $300.00
Blick Art Materials Classroom Supplies $513.90
Bob’s Piano Service Inc Equipment Repair $680.00
Body Beauty Soul Professional Services $715.00
Boe, Luke Professional Services $190.00
Bookyourbillboard Advertising $1,395.00
Boone, Colin Professional Services $180.00
Boone, Tracy W Professional Services $180.00
Border States Electric Supply Classroom Supplies $4,971.12
Bosch, Randi K Professional Services $100.00
Bounce Around Inflatables Llc Equipment Rental $2,085.99
Boys & Girls Club Of Sioux Empire Professional Services $93,714.71
Brandon Valley Band Parents Inc. Dues & Fees $150.00
Brenco Corp Warehouse Inventory $158.16
Brian D Bechard Professional Services $90.00
Brubakken, Rich Professional Services $820.00
Bruflat, Dave Professional Services $480.00
Bruner Law Group Pllc Professional Services $2,600.00
Brunson, Jason Professional Services $140.00
Bruxvoort, Christine Professional Services $637.50
Bsn Sports Inc Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Replacement General Equip $12,760.41
Buck, Darryl Professional Services $481.75
Buenrostro, Jose Professional Services $421.49
Builders Supply Company Other Supplies
Building Improvements $2,527.41
Bureau Of Admin Telephone $32.87
Cadwell Sanford Deibert & Garry Miscellaneous $150.00
Campbell, Katelynn Professional Services $142.32
Canfield Business Interiors Inc New General Equipment
New Furniture $3,816.50
Carda, Char Professional Services $256.94
Carlson, Kyan Professional Services $50.00
Carol Lynn Shade Professional Services $140.00
Carolina Biological Supply Co Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $871.17
Carpet Land Sioux Falls Replacement General Equip $1,676.00
Cascade School Supplies Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $1,227.22
Cengage Learning Inc Software, Videos, Etc.
Textbooks $29,095.75
Centering On Children Inc Classroom Supplies $779.45
Chad E Pesicka Professional Services $140.00
Child Nutrition Service Other Supplies
Food Purchases $111,182.28
Children’s Care Hosp & School Professional Services
Tuition - Other Institutn $81,676.32
Children’s Home Society Of Sd Professional Services
Tuition - Other Institutn $13,571.68
Christenson, Guy Professional Services $340.00
Christian Peri Swenson Professional Services $120.00
Christopher Lee Jacobson Professional Services $270.00
Cintas Corporation Other Supplies $1,726.94
City Of Huron Land & Building Rental $260.00
City Of Sioux Falls Sanitary Services
Gasoline And Oil $10,928.13
Click Rain Inc Professional Services $1,028.16
Coca-Cola Bottling Co Food Purchases $966.40
Cole Papers Inc Equipment Repair
Warehouse Inventory $1,342.01
Concordance Healthcare Solutions Classroom Supplies $2,403.30
Connecting Point Corp New General Equipment
Warehouse Inventory $2,134.32
Core-Mark Us, Llc Supplies For Resale $6,968.20
Creative Costuming & Designs Inc Other Supplies $2,968.00
Crescent Electric Supply Classroom Supplies $4,947.48
Crooks Municipal Gas Heat For Bldgs $25.00
Croston, Kim Professional Services $635.92
Crownover, Lucas Professional Services $90.00
Crucial Learning Other Supplies $2,544.00
Culinex Food Svc Small Equip $189.09
Culligan Water Conditioning Food Purchases $90.00
Curriel, Hector Professional Services $200.00
Dacotah Paper Co Other Supplies $22,556.42
Daikin Applied Equipment Repair $2,513.34
Dakota Auto Parts Classroom Supplies
Supplies For Resale $503.96
Dakota Potters Supply Llc Classroom Supplies $1,007.20
Dakota Sports Other Supplies $7,605.00
Dakota Supply Group Classroom Supplies $7,568.04
Dakota Timing Llc Professional Services
Replacement General Equip $8,895.00
Dakotaland Autoglass Classroom Supplies
Supplies For Resale $3,469.82
Danielle Lynn Bjork In-District Mileage $162.51
David L Rames Professional Services $70.00
Derrick Jermaine Dunn Professional Services $90.00
Desiree Joy Burggraaf Unclassified Expense $99.00
Dm Bass Publications Textbooks $2,750.00
Donald Lee Malaterre Professional Services $100.00
Donnelly, Patrick Professional Services $260.00
Douglas Stewart Co Supplies For Resale $2,983.70
Duane E Boer Professional Services $525.00
Duncanson, Brian Professional Services $154.52
Dustin Jay Sperlich Professional Services $90.00
East Side Jersey Dairy Inc Food Purchases $28,114.75
Eich, David Professional Services $90.00
Eileen Marie Prince Professional Services $70.00
Electric Supply Co Building Improvements $2,170.00
Elsevier, Health Science Div Textbooks $1,638.34
Emily R Sanford Classified Out Dist Travl $432.84
Esgi Software Llc Classroom Supplies $1,476.00
Especial Needs Llc Other Supplies $41.80
Evans, Mike Professional Services $360.00
Express Produce Llc Food Purchases $5,492.60
Fedex Postage $382.85
Flinn Scientific Other Supplies $486.46
Flyboy Donuts Food Purchases $1,499.00
Focus Camera, Llc New General Equipment $1,480.00
Follett School Solutions Inc Library/Reference Books $360.68
Foundation Building Materials Llc Bldg Repair Supplies $255.36
Frederiksen, Joe Professional Services $145.52
Friman, Jeff Professional Services $232.42
Frontier Precision Inc New General Equipment $47,700.00
Frontline Education Professional Services $9,786.04
Ganschow, Steve Professional Services $100.00
Garcia, Ernesto Professional Services $253.97
Gay M Anderson Admin Out Dist Travel $518.79
Gerlach, Erik Professional Services $200.00
Gilbert, Janice Rae Professional Services $125.00
Girton Adams Company Food Purchases $60.00
Global Distributing Inc Food Purchases $3,426.00
Goebel Printing Inc Printing
Other Supplies $1,388.76
Grate Interpreting Professional Services $136.00
Graybar Electric Company Inc Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $5,795.10
Green Eggs And Ram Inc Equipment Repair $233.50
Guarantee Roofing & Sheet Metal Of Building Improvements $3,648.53
Guerrero, Martin Professional Services $218.74
Habben, Craig Professional Services $300.00
Hansen, Al Professional Services $215.00
Hauff Midamerica Sports Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Other Equipment (Non-Cap)
New General Equipment $4,666.60
Hayden Nicolai Fiala Classified Out Dist Travl $123.60
Heartland Glass Co Llc Building Improvements $462.45
Heather Rae Hinners Other Supplies $46.81
Heiser, Eric Professional Services $260.00
Helpline Center Inc Other Supplies $56.00
Henry, Justin Professional Services $190.00
Hernandez, Jose Professional Services $192.60
Hieb, Matt Professional Services $125.00
Hilary Mae Konstant In-District Mileage $101.68
Hillyard Equipment Repair
Other Supplies
Replacement General Equip $34,029.50
Hirsch, Robert Professional Services $50.00
Hoh Water Technology Other Supplies $933.33
Holmes, Michael Professional Services $90.00
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Co Textbooks (Loaned) $35.75
Hudl Software, Videos, Etc. $13,100.00
Huntimer, Nick Professional Services $145.08
Hyvee Food Purchases $6,208.00
Hyvee - Marion Food Purchases $167.76
I29 Sports/Cfgear/Cfpromo Other Supplies $1,149.70
Iliev, Daniel Professional Services $130.00
Innovative Office Solutions Llc Equipment Repair
Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Clothing For Resale
Other Equipment (Non-Cap)
Warehouse Inventory $18,187.69
Irvine, Caitlyn Professional Services $350.00
Is Restaurant Design Equip & Supply New General Equipment $19,789.22
Isi Llc Interpreter Costs $1,050.00
Istate Truck Centers Other Supplies $395.34
Iyarpeya, Terra Parent Mileage $238.42
J Enterprises Inc Professional Services $4,020.00
J. H. Larson Electrical Co. Classroom Supplies $4,605.99
Jacob Aaron Anderson Professional Services $190.00
James A Dorman Professional Services $210.00
Jansen, Scott Professional Services $90.00
Jefferson High School Miscellaneous $3,000.00
Jennifer A Bauer In-District Mileage $288.07
Jensen, Becky Professional Services $450.00
Johnson Hardwood Company Llc Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $4,111.35
Johnstone Supply Classroom Supplies
Kits For Resale
Building Improvements $5,373.99
Jones, Chet Professional Services $160.00
Joshua M Frey Professional Services $190.00
Julie A Ortman Professional Services $200.00
Jw Pepper & Son Inc Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $211.50
K12 Insight Professional Services $63,100.00
Karissa Esther Schouten Dues & Fees $239.99
Karla Linn Walnofer Professional Services $50.00
Keppen, Nancy Professional Services $440.00
Kevin Lee Shotkoski Teacher Out Dist Travel $160.00
Kevin N Knapp Software, Videos, Etc. $115.76
Kleinschmit, Joe Professional Services $125.00
Knife River Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies $385.00
Knuth, Amelia Professional Services $70.00
Krier & Blain Inc Building Improvements $355,707.00
Kristal Rae Shoffeitt In-District Mileage $75.13
Kristin Ann Skogstad Principal Out Dist Travel $244.65
Krohnke, Jack Professional Services $120.00
Krohnke, John Professional Services $175.00
Krohnke, Sam Professional Services $185.00
Kropuenske, Keith Professional Services $137.24
Kyle, Karla Professional Services $450.00
Larsen, Dylan Professional Services $50.00
Larsen, Victor Professional Services $360.00
Learn By Doing Inc Software, Videos, Etc. $6,123.00
Learning Without Tears Classroom Supplies
Textbooks (Loaned) $4,018.25
Lee, Trevor Professional Services $420.26
Lewis Drug Other Supplies $19,671.21
Lincoln High School Miscellaneous $3,000.00
Lindberg, Jesse Professional Services $90.00
Lloyd Construction Company Building Improvements $584,641.73
Lloyd Gene Uthe Student Travel $146.07
Lockrem, Michael Professional Services $125.00
Lunn, Kiefer Professional Services $120.00
Lynn, Carla Professional Services $200.00
Mack, Erin Professional Services $150.00
Mammoth Sports Construction, Llc Upkeep Of Grounds $897.60
Marco Inc Equipment Rental
Online Subscriptions $42,833.21
Mark E Struck Professional Services $220.00
Martyna, Darin Professional Services $125.00
Masek, Joe Professional Services $140.00
Math Fact Lab, Llc Online Subscriptions $789.60
Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Kits For Resale $1,311.11
Matthews Medical Books Inc Textbooks $4,579.63
Mausbach, Laura Professional Services $450.00
Mbs Textbook Exchange Inc Used Books For Resale $9,952.75
Mccormick’s Group, Llc Other Supplies $31.39
Mcelhose, Theo Professional Services $250.12
Mcgraw-Hill Education Inc Textbooks $24,980.36
Mckeever’s Vending Supplies For Resale $135.00
Mcm Brands Novelties For Resale $671.03
Mcneely, Guy Professional Services $227.55
Medical Waste Transport Inc Professional Services $203.00
Melillo, Devon Professional Services $1,200.00
Melissa Ann Nielsen Dues & Fees $149.73
Menards Classroom Supplies $1,261.57
Michael Jerry Borchart In-District Mileage $216.70
Michael Lee Magnuson Professional Services $90.00
Michael Peter Mitchell Food Purchases $23.98
Michaels Fence & Supply Co Land Improvements $19,160.00
Mid American Energy Heat For Bldgs $0.66
Midcontinent Communications Telephone $15,991.98
Midwest Alarm Company Inc Building Improvements $109,310.63
Midwest Veterinary Supply Inc Other Supplies $12.78
Mike Holt Enterprises Of Leesburg I Textbooks $334.53
Milo Range New General Equipment $70,972.50
Minnehaha Community Water Corp Water And Sewer $130.50
Minnehaha County Professional Services $6,765.43
Moc-Floyd Valley Band Parents Dues & Fees $225.00
Modern Campus Software Support $13,511.50
Morehouse, Jeff Professional Services $125.00
Mrg Sports And Promo Other Supplies $482.31
Msc Industrial Supply Co Other Supplies $720.21
Mwi Animal Health Classroom Supplies $666.98
Myhre, Lisa Professional Services $48.00
Nasco Education Classroom Supplies $959.63
Nathan L Punt Professional Services $220.00
Natl Art & School Supplies Classroom Supplies
Warehouse Inventory $2,539.36
Nb Golf Llc New General Equipment $7,100.00
Nelson, Gene Professional Services $190.00
Nimick, Kristi Professional Services $1,195.00
Nolz, Tyler Professional Services $147.32
Norberg Paints Other Supplies $117.89
Norberg, Kyle Professional Services $120.00
North Central International Of S.F. Repair Of Cars And Trucks $1,211.39
Northern Truck Equipment Corp Other Supplies $1,037.88
Novak Sanitary Service Sanitary Services $2,858.12
Oberfoell, Stephanie Professional Services $140.00
Ochsner, Scott Professional Services $180.00
Omaha Public Schools Dues & Fees $200.00
Ortman, Paul Professional Services $215.00
Pancheros Mexican Grill Food Purchases $1,500.00
Panther Premier Print Solutions Other Supplies $225.00
Partnership Llc Postage $4,400.44
Patricia Ann Nelson Classroom Supplies $98.53
Patrick Henry Middle School Reimb From T/A Accounts $2,889.00
Patriot Construction Building Improvements $299,619.00
Pbis Apps Professional Services
Online Subscriptions $19,145.00
Pearson Education Textbooks $3,075.98
Pederson, Debbie Professional Services $278.46
Pederson, Jeffrey Professional Services $375.94
Pepsi Cola Company Supplies For Resale
Food Purchases $9,567.35
Performance Foodservice Food Purchases $336,894.56
Peterson, Dawn Professional Services $140.00
Ph Percussion Professional Services $150.00
Philips Health Care New General Equipment $127,597.28
Pierson, Don Professional Services $190.00
Pilaz, Sandrine Professional Services $583.50
Pizza Ranch Sioux Falls Food Purchases $393.46
Pizza Ranch Tea Food Purchases $1,600.00
Plank Road Publishing Inc Classroom Supplies $145.30
Playscripts Inc Professional Services $165.00
Popplers Music Store Inc Equipment Repair
Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $2,488.61
Postmaster Postage $800.00
Prickett, Cj Professional Services $125.00
Pro Ed Inc Classroom Supplies $263.00
Propio Language Services Professional Services
Interpreter Costs $6,922.53
Pump, Matt Professional Services $140.00
Pyramid School Products Classroom Supplies
Warehouse Inventory $4,679.69
Really Good Stuff Inc Classroom Supplies $101.94
Really Great Reading Co Llc Classroom Supplies
Textbooks $1,332.80
Redi Trux Leasing District-Funded Travel $496.38
Reker, Anthony Professional Services $120.00
Rise R Jongeling Other Supplies $26.54
Risk Administration Services Inc Worker’s Compensation $16,984.42
Riswold, Steve Professional Services $425.00
Roaring Spring Paper Products Supplies For Resale $70.34
Rook, Brian Professional Services $249.10
Roosevelt High School Other Supplies
Food Purchases
Dues & Fees
Miscellaneous $10,121.74
Rotary Club Of Sioux Falls - Downto Dues & Fees $545.00
Roto-Rooter Other Property Services $435.00
S & B Johnston Painting Building Improvements $12,050.00
S & S Worldwide Classroom Supplies $3.69
S.D. Dept Of Human Services Tuition - Other Institutn $9,539.97
S.F. Ford Repair Of Cars And Trucks $2,221.38
S.F. Interiors Building Improvements $380.00
S.F. Sch. Dist. No 49-5 Professional Services
Equipment Repair
Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
New General Equipment
Interest Earned
Miscellaneous $3,799.32
S.F. Sword Academy Professional Services $98.00
S.F. Utilities Water And Sewer
Electricity $141,458.76
Sara Mae Vandekamp Classified Out Dist Travl $52.14
Sarah Jane Burkett Teacher Out Dist Travel $82.79
Scan Air Filter Inc Other Supplies $298.05
Schmitt Music Equipment Repair
Other Supplies $670.00
Scholastic Other Supplies $52.71
School Bus Inc Bus Transportation
Express Shuttle
Bus Aides
Student Travel
District-Funded Travel
Field Trips
Other Transportation $827,166.28
School Health Corporation Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $644.87
School Specialty Llc Classroom Supplies
Warehouse Inventory $2,003.90
Scott W Dorman Classified Out Dist Travl $776.26
Sdn Communications Other Communication $876.10
Sergott, Christina Professional Services $715.00
Sf Western Center, Llc Land & Building Rental $12,919.10
Shane E Macklin Professional Services $3,500.00
Shar Products Co Classroom Supplies $8.99
Shaunteva Marie Pruett Software, Videos, Etc. $115.76
Shelby Lynn Reynoldson Professional Services $70.00
Shoultz, G Phillip Professional Services $500.00
Sieffstyle Entertainment Llc Professional Services $1,236.00
Sioux Merchant Patrol Inc Professional Services $1,837.50
Sioux Valley Energy Electricity $7,087.00
Sisk, Matt Professional Services $490.00
Sisson Printing Inc Other Supplies $81.90
Snap-On Industrial Other Supplies $534.80
Social Club Simple Llc Professional Services $135.00
South Dakota Newspaper Association Advertising $16,802.50
Southeastern Behavioral Health Care Tuition - Other Institutn $5,930.32
Spellmeyer, Patrick D Professional Services $200.00
Spirit Products Ltd Kits For Resale $4,350.00
Sport Games New General Equipment $2,240.00
Stacy Rita Svendsen Dues & Fees $65.00
Stages Learning Materials Professional Services $12,290.00
Startup Sioux Falls Land & Building Rental $18,750.00
Steven Francis Ondrush Professional Services $180.00
Stoll, Eric Professional Services $125.00
Strand, Jordan Professional Services $90.00
Students On Broadway Student Travel $331,734.00
Stukent Inc Textbooks $3,379.74
Sturdevant’s Auto Parts Corp Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $820.38
Sturdevant’s Refinish Supply Center Classroom Supplies
Supplies For Resale $6,624.61
Subway Food Purchases $423.61
Sunshine Foods/Tonys Catering Food Purchases $24,250.00
Sweets, Josh Professional Services $495.00
Sweetwater Sound Inc Classroom Supplies
New General Equipment $971.95
T&M Concrete Llc Land Improvements $2,277.56
Taylor Russell Stacey Professional Services $90.00
Tebben, Chuck Professional Services $460.00
Tebben, Hunter Professional Services $360.00
Tetzlaff, Andrew Professional Services $280.00
Texas Book Company Used Books For Resale $138.00
The Bench Factory New General Equipment $3,525.16
The Dakota Scout Llc Publishing $265.26
The Fire Group, Inc Professional Services
Building Improvements $7,965.00
Thomas G Sundling Professional Services $250.00
Thompson, Laurie Professional Services $220.71
Tma Systems Llc Software, Videos, Etc. $3,297.33
Trager, Cindy Professional Services $200.00
Trane Company Other Supplies $2,466.99
Transact Campus Inc Equip Repair Supplies $7,949.94
Tsp Inc Professional Services $1,686.00
Two Way Solutions Inc Equipment Repair $575.00
Uline Other Supplies
New General Equipment
New Furniture $2,207.63
Ulvestad, Andrew Professional Services $120.00
Univ Of South Dakota Professional Services
Dues & Fees $2,380.25
Us Bank Professional Services
Equipment Rental
Land & Building Rental
Teacher Out Dist Travel
Principal Out Dist Travel
Admin Out Dist Travel
Classified Out Dist Travl
Teacher Negotiated Travl
Student Travel
Other Communication
Equipment Repair
Repair Of Cars And Trucks
Other Repair & Maint
Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies
Equip Repair Supplies
Bldg Repair Supplies
Classroom Supplies
Software, Videos, Etc.
Other Supplies
Supplies For Resale
Food Svc Small Equip
Kits For Resale
Gasoline And Oil
Textbooks (Loaned)
Library/Reference Books
Periodicals & Subscriptns
Online Subscriptions
Food Purchases
Computer Equip (Non-Cap)
Other Equipment (Non-Cap)
Building Improvements
Land Improvements
New General Equipment
New Furniture
New Computer Equipment
Replacement General Equip
Replacement Furniture
Dues & Fees $258,773.56
Valerie Anne Shoup Professional Services $70.00
Van Diest Supply Co Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies $11,232.00
Van Hofwegen, Travis Professional Services $238.52
Vanbeek, Allen Professional Services $90.00
Vandeberg, Aaron Professional Services $90.00
Vandeberg, Darin Professional Services $125.00
Vandrongelen, Mike Professional Services $220.00
Varsity Spirit Fashions & Supplies Replacement General Equip $1,888.70
Virco Manufacturing Corp New Furniture $14,271.34
Visions Construction Group Inc Buildings $412,909.26
Volunteers Of America Professional Services $43,881.13
Wagner, Scott Professional Services $168.51
Waltner, Jessica Professional Services $200.00
Walz, Porter Professional Services $209.30
Ward’s Natural Science Establishmen Classroom Supplies $43.90
Washington High School Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Food Purchases
Dues & Fees
Miscellaneous $5,620.84
Waste Management Sanitary Services $44,679.77
Weed, Kim Professional Services $200.00
Weisser Distributing Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $1,557.30
Wenger Corporation New Furniture
Replacement General Equip $9,339.72
Western Psych Services Other Supplies $792.00
Willow Run Golf Management Co Land & Building Rental $1,800.00
Woodriver Energy Llc Heat For Bldgs $2,767.75
Xcel Energy Electricity $68,065.53
Ymca Professional Services $72,800.88
Young, Brian Professional Services $100.00
Zimmerman, Deeann Professional Services $414.48
Acknowledging the administration’s report of the study of bids which have been received during the prior 30 days and were opened, read, and tabulated in the Central Services Center—Purchasing Department and approving the bids of the lowest responsible bidders in accordance with the tabulated lists of contract awards that have been placed on file for reference purposes, as follows:
1. OEO Energy Solutions, LLC for Light Bulbs, see PD #3466 and FY25 Legal Publication #7) be awarded to OEO Energy Solutions, LLC for their lowest responsible bids for a total amount of $29,500.00 and authorizing the Business Manager to issue a contract to be executed by OEO Energy Solutions, LLC (see MRF #19463 and Contracts 24-082; MLB).
2. Various Vendors for Technical Education Equipment, see PD #3468 and FY24 Legal Publication #67) be awarded to Various Vendors for their lowest responsible bids for a total amount of $117,955.65 and authorizing the Business Manager to issue a contract to be executed by Various Vendors (see MRF #19464 and Contracts 24-083; MLB).
upon execution, the contract(s) will be entered into and executed for, and on behalf of the District by the Business Manager and the President of the School Board, and thereupon, the bid security, if any, now on deposit with the Purchasing Supervisor of the District, be surrendered, all in accordance with Policy/Regulation DJ.
D.Authorizations and Ratifications
D1.Approval of Contracts
Authorizing the President and Business Manager to enter into and execute contracts, for and on behalf of the District, as follows:
a. 24-084 University of South Dakota Participation in Professional Development Center See Contract
24-085 City of Sioux Falls Development of LeBeau Elementary School/Park $276,472.00 (revenue)
Approval of Contracts, continued
Authorizing the President and Business Manager to enter into and execute contracts, for and on behalf of the District, as follows:
c. 24-086 YMCA CLC After School, Summer Enrichment, and Out of School Programs See Contract
Disposal of School District Property
Authorizing the disposal of surplus property by distributing to children or giving to a nonprofit benevolent organization for their use and/or disposal, to sell at private sale, public auction, or sealed bids or to dispose of, in accordance with SDCL §6-13-1, as follows:
Item Appraised Property No. Description Location Appraisers Value File No.
a. 1 Motorola EVX
Radio Washington High
School Molly Langenfeld
Tyler Young Sara Peterson
$0 2024-114
b. 1 Easel, 4 Computer Tables, 12 Student Desks, 8 Office Chairs, 4 Carts, 1 Mailbox Kit, 1 Round Table, 1 Magazine Rack, 1 Metal Legs/braces Jane Addams Elementary School Su Lester Andraya Peterson Mollie Bernow $0 2024-115
c. 11 Various Children’s Music Books Jane Addams Elementary School Tammy Sweeter Shari Kvistero Emily Anderson $0 2024-116
d. 1 Guitar
Lincoln High School Douglas Wegner Michael Jones Danyelle Brown $0 2024-117
e. 12 Motorola
Radios Rosa Parks Elementary School Erin Hendricks Rachel Schuldt Hannah Heya $0 2024-118
f. 2 Round Tables, 1 Speed Queen Washer Child Nutrition Services Dawne Poindexter Sara Jones Maria Haro $0 2024-119
g. 2 Cutting Boards, 1 Cutting Board, 1 Sheet Pan Washington High School Sara Joines Dawne Poindexter Connie Nowotny $0 2024-120
h. 97 Orchestra Expression Books Rosa Parks Elementary School Leah Bogue Erin Hendricks Rachel Schuldt $0 2024-121
i. 11 AVMR Material
Kits, 12 Bucket Balances Sonia Sotomayor
Elementary School Mary Boen Jessica Ries $0 2024-122
j. 1 Piano Discovery Elementary
School Gina Mees Angie Klopstad Vicki Cooper $0 2024-123
l. 7 Computer Desks,
1 Pull Down Map Discovery Elementary School Carrie Thurman Jaclyn Kulbel Sara Wolthuizen $0 2024-124
m. 1 Yamaha Keyboard Edison Middle School Amber Sandvold Staci Sip Shannon Abels $0 2024-125
n. 2 Baritones, 4 Saxophones, 3 Clarinets Lincoln High School Douglas Wegner Fred Martin Courtney Johnson $0 2024-126
o. 146 Various Spotlight Music Textbooks, 147 Share the Music Textbooks Hayward Elementary School Cindy Srstka Jayne Mellegard Ashley Allington $0 2024-127
p. 3 Metal Bookshelves 24 Chairs, 1 Metal Cart Laura B. Anderson Elementary Wade Helleson Liane Effinger Angela Beck $0 2024-128
q. 2 2x3 Mats, 1 Calculator, 1 Sheet Pan, 6 Keypads, 1 Scanner/Stand, 2 Thermometer Probes, 1 Meat Thermometer Washington High School Sara Jones Dawne PoindexterMaria Haro $0 2024-129 r. 5 Chromebooks Carts Harvey Dunn Elementary School Kristen Jacobson Ashley May Naser Abu Shareh $0 2024-130
s. 48 Various Music & Movement Textbooks Instructional Planning Center Mike Bossman Kristi Shanks Margaret Datton $0 2024-131
t. 10 2 Drawer File Cabinets, 7 Teachers Desks, 8 Various Tables, 1 4 Drawer File Cabinets. 1 Metal Shelf Cleveland Elementary School Ronda Gacke Westin WuertzEmily Lafrentz $0 2024-132
u. 1 Laminator, 1 Laminator Cart, 8 Old Computer Tables, 2 File Cabinets, 1 Sand Table Pettigrew Elementary School Rebecca Hillestad Beth Schmith Tricia Runyan $0 2024-133
v. 2 Speakers, 30 Music
Expression Books Edison Middle School Stacy Sip Shannon Abels Emma Nelson $0 2024-134
w. 19 Keyboard 7 Word Processing Books, 30 Keyboarding & Formatting, Books, 30 Formatting & Document Processing Book, 30 MS Office 365 Roosevelt High School Kayla Mangan Mathew Chicoine Rickey Kunzmann $0 2024-135
y. 1 HP Scanjet Roosevelt High Jennifer Bergan Gabor Mearah Miedema Robyn Starks Holcomb $0 2024-136
x. 39 Various Library Books Roosevelt High School Mike Utley Mandy Mooney Marya Leach $0 2024-137
z. 3 Computer Tables, 1 Teacher Desk, 2 File Cabinets, 14 Radios Anne Sullivan Elementary School Lisa Jennings Carrie Ernster Carissa Scherschlight $0 2024-138
aa. 20 Musicians Guide to Theory Books, 20 Musicians Guide to Aural Skills O’Gorman High School Benjamin Koch Alex Anderson Tara VandenBos $0 2024-139
bb. 2 Apple iPad, 2 UFC Switches, 1 UFC Rack, 1 Dell Latitude, 9 HP Various, Computers, 1 File Server, 6 Storage/Server Arrays, 1 Epson Projector, 1Microsoft Surface, 167 Lenovo Chromebooks, 5 Network Switch’s Central Services Carolyn Waxdahl Michael Koepke Michael Perrion $0 2024-140
cc. 2 Fargo Badges, 1 Greywolf Sensing System Central Services Helen Loeffler Cassie Ueke Bridget Inus $0 2024-141
Contract Additions and/or Deductions
Approving change orders, as follows:
a. Change Order #2 to Contract 23-020 with Empire Building Construction for Hayward 2023 CIP Addition and Renovation. Change order is for renovation of changing room, relocate cabinet unit heater, wall hydrant, paint south wall, renovate OT room, repair existing damaged duct board, omit new ceiling, fill masonry opening in storage room, provide additional excavation & refill under concrete footings, provide electrical power and signal revisions, replace existing north exterior doors from gym, provide acoustical wall panels, and extend handrails at west exterior gym exit.
D4. Designation of Depositories
Adopting a resolution, as follows:
RESOLVING, that the following institutions be designated as depositories for the funds of the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, effective July 1, 2024; First National Bank, First Premier Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, US Bank, Levo Credit Union, Minnwest, Dakota State Bank, First Bank & Trust, First Interstate Bank, Pathward Financial, Sioux Empire Federal Credit Union, and the South Dakota Public Funds Investment Trust;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that General Fund monies be deposited or be continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $19,741,289.89 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $19,212,361.16 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xxx5182 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
c. That $39,309.23 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
d. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter, from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Capital Outlay Fund monies be deposited, or be continued on deposit, as follows:
e. That $32,105,122.68 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
f. That $40,649,963.63 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xxxxxxx3290 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Special Education Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
g. That $6,908,494.27 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
h. That $9,859,314.52 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xxxxxxx0587 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
i. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024, and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Post-Secondary Vocational Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $2,641,535.31 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $4,373.88 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xx6555 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
c. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that the Food Service Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $4,348,881.07 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $2,453,189.18 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xxx5249 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
c. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that the Insurance Trust Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $379,143.76 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $7,307,132.04 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Medical Claims Checking Account #xxx7480 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
c. That $488,483.45 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Flex Spending Account #xxx7499 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
d. That $347.22 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xxx5267 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Elementary Project Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $1,093,279.90 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $344.21 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xx7213 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Capital Improvements Plan Project Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
D4. Designation of Depositories, continued
a. That $11,697,630.55 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $323.05 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xx6528 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Hail Damage Project Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $3,836,065.75 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that High School Project Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $4,970,113.05 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Middle School Project Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $605,523.56 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That $4,635,882.44 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xx7213 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that the Bond Redemption Fund 21 monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $2,877,217.72 be deposited at First Interstate bank in the Operating (checking)
Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
b. That $4,088,455.80 be deposited at First Interstate Bank in the Savings Account #xxx5230 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that the Bond Redemption Fund 22 monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That 12,049.99 be deposited at First Interstate bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Payroll Withholding Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $9,007,766.15 be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Community Services Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $616,054.44 be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
b. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Reprographics Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $728,897.34 be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points, and;
b. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that House Construction Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $(109,683.75) be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Post-Secondary Bookstore Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $107,559.94 be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
b. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Post-Secondary Food Service Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
b. That $(16,969.84) be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points; and
b. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that Post-Secondary Childcare Fund monies be deposited or continued on deposit, as follows:
a. That $56,408.82 be continued on deposit at First Interstate Bank in the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at Treasury Bill index plus 32 basis points;
b. That the Business Manager of the District be authorized to transfer the exact amount of the payroll beginning with the payroll to be paid July, 2024 and each month thereafter from the Operating (checking) Account #xxx7444 at First Interstate Bank, to the Payroll (checking) Account #xxx7462 at First Interstate Bank; and
FURTHER DESIGNATING, that First Interstate Bank be designated as the depository for social security withholding and matching, and FURTHER DESIGNATING, that First Interstate Bank be designated as the depository for income tax withheld on wages, and
FURTHER RESOLVING, that First Interstate Bank deposits the County Auditor monthly tax collection transfers directly to the authorized savings accounts of the District;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the same is hereby approved.
D5. Petitions for Residency Determination
Approving the request for assignment of one (1) student to attend Jefferson High School, and further denying the request of two (2) students to attend Roosevelt High School.
E. Accepting the Consolidated Report of Trust and Agency Funds of May for receipts and disbursements through May 2024 stating for the record receipts total $23,995,236.93 and disbursements total $24,157,868.57 (see MRF #19465),
and Accepting the revised Consolidated Report of Trust and Agency Funds of
June for receipts and disbursements through June 2024 stating for the record receipts total $24,603,290.15 and disbursements total $25,022,729.20 (see MRF #19465).
F. Accepting the Business Manager’s Reports of June, 2024 in accordance with SDCL §13-8-35 (see MRF #19466) and directing that detailed statement of receipts and balances on hand, as of June 2024, be published as part of these minutes, in accordance with SDCL §13-8-3 and further accepting the report of Advance Payment – Business Office Account for the period 7-1-2023 through 6-24-2024.
G. Approving financial transactions (see MRF #19467 on file in the Finance Office for reference purposes).
H. Accepting the K-12 Personnel Report, as follows:
H1. RESIGNATIONS. Accepting the resignation of School District Personnel as of the effective date indicated, the personnel having been previously employed by Board Action, as follows: Effective Name Location/Position Date
Mikel, Telly LHS/Recovery Room 09/11/24
Wolfgang-Sjovold, Cori H Dunn/Early Childhood 09/13/24
Employment Contract
Carda, Paige CLC/Development Specialist 09/27/24
Gordon, Michael EMS/Behavior Facilitator 09/13/24
Pojar, Kelsey C Campus/Community Facilitator 09/27/24
Riggs, Peyton JHS/Behavior Facilitator 10/04/24
Custodial Manager
Van-Den-Berg, David* RHS/Custodial Manager 01/31/25
Lopez, Sarah RHS/Custodian 09/13/24
Nuchols, Colton LHS/Custodian 09/12/24
Education Assistant
Farias-Ortega, Anayali JHS/SpEd-Rise 05/23/24
Geronimo, Mahavi S Sotomayor/LAPOP 08/29/24
Kringen, Madelyn A Sullivan/SpEd-Personal 05/24/24
Marsh, Catherine Pettigrew/Early Childhood 05/23/24
Mbog-Epse-Balomog, Jeanne A Sullivan/SpEd-Personal 03/29/24
Negrete, Aislin Pettigrew/Early Childhood 05/23/24
Sartin, Raelyn LHS/SpEd-Resource 09/06/24
Woldt, Jennifer L Wilder/SpEd-Personal 09/25/24
Child Nutrition
Denton, Eric CS OPS/Truck Driver 09/09/24
Peterson, Pamela* retirement LHS/Cook 01/03/25
Extra Duty/Extra Pay
Amending Action 39381.F3 adopted on July 8, 2024, as pertains to Telly Mikel by deleting the entry from the “Employment Recommendations” section (LHS/Asst Fresh Boys BB Coach) for the 2024-2025 school year. Telly will not be performing these duties.
Anstine, Wendy T Redlin/Web Content Creator 05/28/24
Cota, Jamie GMMS/Web Content Creator 05/28/24
Cunningham, Darcy PHMS/Volleyball Coach 10/31/23
Deschepper, Mason EMS/Football Coach 10/31/23
Harberts, Derek WMS/Football Coach 10/31/23
James, Brian EMS/Football Coach 10/31/23
Extra Duty/Extra Pay (continued)
Leno, Vincent MMS/Football Coach 10/31/23
Morin, Chase WMS/Football Coach 10/31/23
Spieler, Kara RHS/Web Content Creator 05/28/24
Ulmer, Megan JFK/Web Content Creator 05/28/24
Zangara, Nicholas WMS/Cross Country Coach 10/31/23
Substitute Teacher
Albers, Sharon District Wide 08/05/23
Bahe, Cindy District Wide 02/01/24
Birkel, Madison District Wide 08/21/24
Faner, Linda District Wide 08/31/24
Substitute Nurse
Bauder, Kandy District Wide 09/10/24
Miscellaneous Hourly
East, Cody HWF/Cameral Operator 06/27/24
Lee, Ryker HWF/Cameral Operator 12/02/23
Sperlich, Dustin HWF/Cameral Operator 10/31/22
Name Delete Add
Sturm, Rachel JHS/FACS
FTE .72 $41,937.84 JHS/FACS FTE .82 $47,762.54
Eff. 08/15/24
Employment Contract
Aceituno-Palencia-de-Azumatan, Ana S Sotomayor/EA SpEd-Resource FTE .875
$18.24/hr S Sotomayor/LAPOP Preschool Leader
FTE .80 $28.27/hr
Eff. 08/28/24
Beaver, Rachel MMS/EA
SpEd-Rise FTE .875
$22.77/hr Axtell/SpecialistCommunity Facilitator FTE .96875 $22.88/hr Eff. 09/16/24
Kroeger, Terry CNS/Specialist Equipment Warehouse
$29.79/hr CNS/Specialist
Lead Equipment $34.42/hr
Eff. 07/23/24
CHANGE OF STATUS (continued)
Name Delete Add
Specialist (continued)
Lunski, Dawn MMS/EA SpEd-Rise FTE .875 $20.43/hr C Campus/Specialist Behavior Facilitator FTE .96875 $22.88/hr Eff. 09/03/24
Custodial Manager
Dockstader, Jeremiah H Dunn/1025 Custodial Engineer $26.63/hr PHMS/SFCM Custodial Manager $28.46/hr Eff. 09/16/24
Amending Action 39610.D4 adopted September 9, 2024, as it pertains to Jacob Kleinsasser by deleting the incorrect salary of $24.38/hr and inserting the correct salary of $21.53/hr for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Lingle, James CS OPS/Roving $22.83 H Wood/Groundskeeper FTE .62 $22.33/hr and FTE .38 $26.16/hr Eff. 09/05/24
Education Assistant
Matthies, Tad District Wide/Substitute Teacher $160/day Axtell/EA SpEd-Behavior FTE 1.0 $19.85/hr Eff. 09/16/24
Community Learning Center
Kenore, Aberash Pettigrew/EMPH CLC Coordinator FTE .25 $20.56/hr Pettigrew/CLC Youth Dev. Specialist FTE .05 $16.13/hr Eff. 08/22/24
Effective Actual Name Location/Position Date Pay
Lee, Clara A Sullivan/ECH-Blended 08/05/24 $52,233.00
Mikel, Telly LHS/Recovery Room 08/05/24 58,823.00
Thum, Melissa R Frost/Special Education 08/05/24 52,233.00
Employment Contract
Rosales-Corado, Wendy R Parks/School Home Liaison 09/16/24 $39,219.60
Specialist, per hour
Faber, Sidney H Mann Bridges/Behavior Fac. 09/16/24 $25.88
McDonald, Brent ITS/Bldg. Computer Spec. 09/16/24 25.88
Paulson, Alec C Campus/Comm Facilitator 09/09/24 22.88
Specialist Retro-Active Pay for 2023-23024
Nordmann, Brittnie MMS/Behavior Facilitator 01/03/24 $190.17
Clerical Retro-Active Pay for 2023-23024
Ramstad, Jessica LHS/Student Services 08/01/23 $329.44
Clerical, per hour
Jimenez, Sylvia RHS/Receptionist 09/16/24 $18.34
Wolfgang-Sjovold, Cori L Wilder/Clerical 09/23/24 21.47
Custodian, per hour
Bhusal, Nischal LHS/Custodian 10/01/24 $19.80
Monger, Tula JHS/Custodian 09/10/24 19.80
Peterson, Steven CS OPS/Truck Driver 09/17/24 20.15
Ramos, Ermelinda JHS/Custodian 09/11/24 19.80
Child Nutrition, per hour
Bakker, Sharon WHS/General Worker 09/23/24 $17.20
Harrison, Jeremy MMS/General Worker 09/30/24 19.30
Hudson, Dawn GMMS/General Worker 09/16/24 17.20
Marvici, Stacy MMS/General Worker 09/09/24 17.20
Vant-Hul, Alyson RHS/Cook, as needed 09/09/24 20.56
Education Assistant, per hour
Anderson, Bailey A Sullivan/SpEd-Personal 09/23/24 $17.85
Ayotte, Jenna H Mann Bridges/SpEd-Behavior 09/16/24 19.85
Cooley, Derricka H Mann Bridges/SpEd-Behavior 09/16/24 19.85
Even, Alicyn MMS/SpEd-Rise 09/23/24 19.85
Jensen, Bryan Axtell/SpEd-Behavior 09/16/24 19.85
Jepsen, Kortney Hayward/SpEd-Resource 09/09/24 17.85
Nares Gutierrez, Maria A Sullivan/ECH-Blended 09/09/24 17.85
Narez-Gutierrez, Angelica R Parks/SpEd-Personal 09/16/24 17.85
Rieckman, Alycia MMS/SpEd-Resource 09/23/24 17.85
Wolf, Ameina EMS/SpEd-Resource 09/05/24 17.85
BRMS Lunchroom, per hour
Harpe, Michelle BRMS/Lunchroom Supervisor 08/22/24 $20.00
Community Learning Center, per hour
Bartscher, Marjorie D Wide/CLC Youth Dev Sub 09/09/24 $18.53
Clark-Oien, MollyAnn L Wilder/CLC Youth Dev Spec 09/13/24 15.97
Henrikson-Thoelke, Jacqueline Garfield/CLC Youth Dev Spec 08/22/24 17.29
Longendyke, Pamela Garfield/CLC Youth Dev Spec 09/02/24 17.29
KLRN-TV & CTE, per hour
Blackwell, Xavier Videographer 08/16/24 $22.00
Harrington, David Videographer 08/16/24 22.00
KLRN-TV & Howard Wood Field, per hour
Espinosa, Leonel Video Board 08/30/24 $22.86
Schlekeway, Jonah Video Board 08/30/24 11.20
Schlekeway, Lori Video Board 08/30/24 22.86
Schlekeway, Miranda Video Board 08/30/24 22.86
Seiler, Aaron Video Board 08/30/24 22.86
Special Services, per hour
Wirth, Dawn IPC/Eval & Tester 08/01/24 $30.65
Substitute Admin/Intern, per hour
Gillette, Lynn District Wide 09/03/24 $66.18
Substitute Education Assistant, per hour
Rivera, Lea District Wide 09/04/24 $17.85
JHS Softball Summer Camp, per hour
Zirpel, Sarah Camp Coach 07/22/24 $20.30
WHS Summer Camp, per hour
Ackert, Nathaniel Tennis Camp Director 05/28/24 $30.35
Ackert, Nathaniel Tennis Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Bazata, Kimberly Softball Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Bazata, Kimberly Softball Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Bradberry, Ryan Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Dancler, Dave Boys Soccer Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Dancler, Dave Boys Soccer Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Dix, Allison Volleyball Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Evans, Ryan Football Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Evans, Ryan Football Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Fisher, Jesse Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Fitzgerald, Jeffrey Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Hanneman, William BBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Hauser, Jeffrey Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Hess, Alicia GBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Heyden, Jonathan BBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Hofer, Tommy Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
WHS Summer Camp, per hour (continued)
Hulstein, Michael BBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 $20.30
Irvine, Lindsey Volleyball Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Johnikin, James Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Lamberty, Kade Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Magnuson, Alexandria Softball Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Mayer, Michaela GBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Parish, Jamie GBB Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Parish, Jamie GBB Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Petersen, Marlee Softball Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Pingrey, Jordan Gymnastics Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Pingrey, Jordan Gymnastics Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Ratzlaff, Jamin Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Reilly, Shane CC Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Reilly, Shane CC Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Schaefers, Logan Girls Soccer Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Schaefers, Logan Girls Soccer Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Schlieman, Ryan Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Schroeder, Kelly Volleyball Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Schroeder, Kelly Volleyball Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Stapleton, Sydney GBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Stene, Dalee GBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Swenson, Logan CC Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Talley, Hannah Volleyball Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Thies, Kaison BBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Tobin, Jeffrey BBB Camp Director 05/28/24 30.35
Tobin, Jeffrey BBB Camp Director 07/01/24 30.65
Tuschen, Kyle Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Uhrich, Mark Girls Soccer Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Uthe, Lloyd Boys Soccer Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Washington, Demetrius Football Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Wounded Head, Meghan Softball Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Wynthein, Courtney GBB Camp Worker 05/28/24 20.30
Extra Duty/Extra Pay, lump sum
Arndt, Joseph MMS/Football Coach 09/01/24 $1,910.00
Cunningham, Darcy PHMS/Cross Country Coach 09/01/24 1,910.00
Deloy, Tanner EMS/Football Coach 09/01/24 1,910.00
Drummond, Amy CTE/Web Content Creator 08/15/24 2,500.00
Eleeson, Christine WMS/Cross Country Coach 09/01/24 955.00
Erickson, McKenzie PHMS/Volleyball Coach 09/01/24 1,982.00
Fey, Cheryl LHS/Volleyball Coach 08/15/24 750.00
Goebel, Aliza BRMS/Yearbook Advisor 09/01/24 1,910.00
Gore, Casey RHS/Web Content Creator 08/15/24 2,500.00
Gronlund, Garrett WMS/Football Coach 09/01/24 1,910.00
King, Carly EMS/Web Content Creator 08/15/24 2,000.00
Kludt, John MMS/Football Coach 09/01/24 1,910.00
Extra Duty/Extra Pay, lump sum (continued)
Muller, Sarah GMMS/Web Content Creator 08/15/24 $2,000.00
Pankratz, Kelly JHS/Newspaper Advisor 08/15/24 5,354.00
Pollard, Elizabeth WMS/Volleyball Coach 09/01/24 1,910.00
Raether, Jason LHS/Drama Technical Director 08/15/24 3613.50
Rentschler, Jessica PHMS/Volleyball Coach 09/01/24 1,982.00
Strable, Kassy RHS/Asst. Comp Dance Coach 09/09/24 730.00
Taylor Kimberly JFK/Web Content Creator 08/15/24 1,500.00
Wagner, Timothy T Redlin/Web Content Creator 08/15/24 1,500.00
Williams, Terrance EMS/Football Coach 09/01/24 2,409.00
Community Education, lump sum
Anderson, David Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 $3,219.00
Brenner, Heather Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 1,740.00
Brenner, Randall Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 1,450.00
Dahle, Travis Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 928.00
Davoux, Devon Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 4,190.50
Henning, Steven Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 1,413.75
Jastram, Thomas Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 3,132.00
Monahan, Mary Gail Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 1,435.50
Morran, Michael Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 2,813.00
Ortega, Carol Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 2,088.00
Peterson, Neil Music Lesson Instructor 08/20/24 550.00
Saugstad, Allan Music Lesson Instructor 08/20/24 875.00
Trett, James Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 3,335.00
Tvedt, Levi Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 1,740.00
Vroman, Robert Driver’s Education Instructor 08/20/24 2,175.00
Red Apple Workshop, lump sum
Buettner, Michelle Linguistics of English 07/08/24 $1,200.00
Dalton, Margaret Blended Learning 05/20/24 800.00
East, Nancy Blended Learning 05/20/24 800.00
Griese, Ashley Linguistics of English 07/08/24 1,200.00
JHS Summer Marching Band, lump sum
Beck, Marian JHS/Marching Band Camp Help 07/25/24 $500.00
Foster, Jaycie JHS/Marching Color Guard 07/14/24 667.00
Friez, Joshua JHS/Wind Marching Instructor 07/25/24 900.00
Momotic, Valeska JHS/Marching Color Guard 07/14/24 667.00
Rygg, Jason JHS/Marching Band Camp Help 07/25/24 500.00
RHS Band Regular Season, lump sum
Poindexter, Sara RHS/Band Color Guard Tech 07/22/24 $1,000.00
RHS Competitive Cheer, lump sum
Robinson, Haley Assistant Coach 07/01/24 $1,147.32
RHS JAG Mentor Program, lump sum
Fette, Nicole Mentor 08/02/24 $3,000.00
WHS Link Crew, lump sum
Schaefers, Logan WHS/Link Crew 08/09/24 $700.00
VanderWell, April WHS/Link Crew 08/09/24 700.00
WHS Summer Band Camp, lump sum
Burchill, Aaron Band Technician 06/24/24 $1,515.00
Burchill, Seth Band Technician 06/24/24 2,541.75
Coyne, Kiley Band Technician 06/24/24 1,500.00
Eckert, Hannah Band Technician 06/24/24 2,261.00
Eckert, Hannah Color Guard Auditions 04/10/24 50.00
Jorgenson, Reagan Band Technician 06/24/24 1,980.50
Keller, Simon Band Technician 06/24/24 1,575.00
Kurvink, Sydnee Band Technician 06/24/24 1,793.00
Laird, Katie Band Technician 06/24/24 998.75
Questad, Maegan Band Technician 06/24/24 1,861.50
New Teacher Orientation, lump sum
Hart, Rinde SBA/3rd Grade Teacher 08/20/24 $100.00
Target Area Student Teacher Stipend
Anderson, Brittany Elementary & SpEd 09/12/24 $1,000.00
Devine, Shannon Elementary & SpEd 09/12/24 1,000.00
McAuliffe, Anna Vocal Music 09/12/24 1,000.00
Sprecher, Emily Elementary & SpEd 09/12/24 1,000.00
Substitute Teacher, $160/day
Abney, Briana District Wide 09/04/24
Al Zubaidi, Raad District Wide 09/04/24
Barrick, Tara District Wide 09/04/24
Hansen, Elizabeth District Wide 09/04/24
Hanson, Kevin District Wide 09/04/24
Hendrickson, Rebecca District Wide 09/04/24
Jensen, Kamra District Wide 09/04/24
Kohls-Top, Amy District Wide 09/04/24
Kortes, Andrew District Wide 09/16/24
Kosec, Justin District Wide 09/04/24
Larsen, Dylan District Wide 09/04/24
Lutz, Laura District Wide 09/04/24
Mandsager, Brandi District Wide 09/04/24
Miedema, Aaron District Wide 09/04/24
Miller, Kelly District Wide 09/04/24
Monlux, Janet District Wide 09/04/24
Mulder, Kimberlee District Wide 09/04/24
Muller, Nicholas District Wide 09/17/24
Substitute Teacher, $160/day (continued)
Nemanich, Thomas District Wide 09/04/24
Nielsen, Cassondra District Wide 09/04/24
Rozeboom, Kailey District Wide 09/04/24
Sahnow, Savannah District Wide 09/04/24
Stratmeyer, Chelsey District Wide 09/04/24
Thoene, Sarah District Wide 09/04/24
Underberg, Brooks District Wide 09/04/24
Vanden Top, Molly District Wide 09/04/24
Wible, Lisa District Wide 09/04/24
Wilbur, Robert District Wide 09/04/24
Wipf, Lily District Wide 09/04/24
Subs New Hire Workshop, August 21, 2024, $40.00 stipend
Alvarez-Lopez, Nancy District Wide
Alvine, Brenda District Wide
Aman, Emily District Wide
Anderson, Chad District Wide
Bamberg, Jenna District Wide
Barnes, Brian District Wide
Bartscher, Marjorie District Wide
Bin-Farid, Muhammad District Wide
Birkel, Madison District Wide
Blume, Evan District Wide
Buchman, Julie District Wide
Bulgrin, Connor District Wide
Campbell, William District Wide
Draper, Maureen District Wide
Driver, Dakota District Wide
Erickson, Abigail District Wide
Froelich, Peter District Wide
Furtado-Linton, Shelley District Wide
Griffin, Elizabeth District Wide
Hanson, Ezekiel District Wide
Hartel, Eric District Wide
Heckenlaible, Cynthia District Wide
Jacobsma, Andrea District Wide
Jones, Korrine District Wide
Kessler, Christen District Wide
King, Carrie District Wide
Kroupa, Jesse District Wide
Larson, Jack District Wide
Markman, Hannah District Wide
Matthies, Tad District Wide
Mayl, Susana District Wide
McCrary, Katherine District Wide
Medema, Cierra District Wide
Subs New Hire Workshop, August 21, 2024, $40.00 stipend (continued)
Mohr, Natalie District Wide
Nemmers, Kenneth District Wide
Nguyen, Andrew District Wide
Noid, Christopher District Wide
Robinson, Jermaine District Wide
Ronke, Kelli District Wide
Rygh, Nathan District Wide
Schuelke, Alex District Wide
Short, Samantha District Wide
Skogstad, Kurt District Wide
Smook, Jill District Wide
Sterk, Jamie District Wide
Stolp, Timothy District Wide
Vining, John District Wide
Wichner, Kari District Wide
Wipf, Melanie District Wide
Wuestewald, Alivia District Wide
Subs New Hire Workshop, August 28, 2024, $40.00 stipend
Baete, Laura District Wide
Christensen, Talia District Wide
Clawson, Shannon District Wide
Feuchtenberger, Barbara District Wide
Gage, Eric District Wide
Galpin, Jenny District Wide
Griffin, Hailey District Wide
Hubbard-Howard, Stephanie District Wide
Hubert, Amber District Wide
Hultgren, Chad District Wide
Kirsch, Kamp District Wide
Kiser, Kruse District Wide
Knopf, Jacob District Wide
Leuning, Kaylee District Wide
Lutz, Laura District Wide
Malm, Kaeley District Wide
Marks, Randall District Wide
Mogck, Leah District Wide
Morrison, Benjamin District Wide
Mosaad, Mario District Wide
Nelsen, Patrice District Wide
Nuttbrock, Cadence District Wide
Patrick, Jennie District Wide
Pease, Tamara District Wide
Perry, Burke District Wide
Rauen, Carrie District Wide
Ridgell, Tapanga District Wide
Subs New Hire Workshop, August 28, 2024, $40.00 stipend (continued)
Shukla, Veronica District Wide
Sisson, Madilyn District Wide
Songstad, Kiley District Wide
Soto, Carrie District Wide
Szabo, Anezka District Wide
Taylor, Julie District Wide
Tom, Maria District Wide
Warneke, Hailey District Wide
Watt, Kelli District Wide
Winkler, Michelle District Wide
Subs New Hire Workshop, September 4, 2024, $40.00 stipend
Abney, Briana District Wide
Al Zubaidi, Raad District Wide
Barrick, Tara District Wide
Boechler, Tara District Wide
Hansen, Elizabeth District Wide
Hanson, Kevin District Wide
Hendrickson, Rebecca District Wide
Jensen, Kamra District Wide
Kohls-Top, Amy District Wide
Kosec, Justin District Wide
Larsen, Dylan District Wide
Mandsager, Brandi District Wide
Miedema, Aaron District Wide
Miller, Kelly District Wide
Monlux, Janet District Wide
Mulder, Kimberlee District Wide
Nemanich, Thomas District Wide
Nielsen, Cassondra District Wide
Rivera, Lea District Wide
Rozeboom, Kailey District Wide
Sahnow, Savannah District Wide
Stratmeyer, Chelsey District Wide
Thoene, Sarah District Wide
Underberg, Brooks District Wide
Vanden Top, Molly District Wide
Wible, Lisa District Wide
Wilber, Robert District Wide
Wipf, Lily District Wide
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 6, 2024 (AM Session), $25.00 stipend
Alvarez, Bryan
Aman, Cynthia
Bakker-Stearns, Lon
Bazuaye, Lori
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 6, 2024 (AM Session), $25.00 stipend (continued)
Beckman, Theresa
Bunkers, Michelle
Campbell, Barbara
Cole-Steward, Edie
Delaney, Jenna
Fox, Miranda
Fueston, Gabriel
Gajmer, Sunita
Haines, Kristine
Hartwig, Alan
Hofer, Kathleen
Hogarth, Terri
Hopkins, Debby
Hopper, David
Horner, Rachael
Jastram, Thomas
Jensen, Mary
Jervik, Kristina
Kagey, Laura
Keill, Theresa
Kennedy, Kevin
Kirschenman, Adrianne
Kloiber, Melodee
Koepke, Faye
Kool, Amanda
Leininger, Donna
Lower, Drake
Lund, Kelley
Malsam, Chandra
Miller, Sarah
Millikan, Mary
Napolitano, Linda
Naweji, Rosa
Obeslo, Kayla
Pierson, Rochelle
Randle, Jordan
Rath, Lynne
Rayman, Erica
Reggs, Catherine
Reiter, Reagan
Rindsig, Jennifer
Roemeling, Susan
Sand, Heather
Sandvold, Bonnie
Schreiner, Megan
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 6, 2024 (AM Session), $25.00 stipend (continued)
Schueler, Sharon
Schumacher, Melonie
Seitz, Jason
Seitz, Kelly
Simmons, Patricia
Southwick, Lisa
Strom, Reed
Taylor, Amber
Thomas, Michelle
Thomason, Lynn
Tjarksen, Karen
Tobin, Thomas
Tomkins, John
Tornow, Robert
Williams-Luther, Sandra
Woods-Bonham, Misty
Ybarra, Jess
Youngquist, Rhonda
Bahnson, Delora
Bierstedt, Michelle
Brenholt, Alan
Butler, Patricia
Campbell, Taylor
Clayton, Bobbi
Dinneen, David
Eining, Lindsay
Enderson, Lori
Erickson, Jacob
Estes, Jane
Feeney, Shelly
Felker, Greg
Fredrikson, Jo
Goth, Marcia
Graack, Kathy
Grimm, Kathryn
Gunner, David
Hanzen, Ila
Haugen-Lund, Tami
Hayes, Kristine
Heidepriem, Susan
Heiser, Melissa
Helget, Terry
Holter, Debra
Huska, Debbie
Huwe, Brennan
Jensen, Theresa
Joseph, Molly
Jurczewsky, Peggy
Kastur, Sabrina
Knoff, Suzanne
Kolander, John
Kracht, Jessica
Kroesche, Nathan
Kuhl, Destiny
Larson, Lori
Lingberg, Mary
Luetgers, Susan
Lusk, Michelle
Malaterre, Donald
Maloney, Keith
Martinsen, Michele
May, Bardine
Miller, Alisa
Mittan, Bianca
Morris, Scott
Neeb, Nicholas
Ness, Irina
Page, Eric
Pederson, Gary
Penney, Richard
Peterson, Neil
Poppens, Karen
Povlsen, Kayla Marie
Prunty, Robin
Reavis, William
Reynaga, Alicia
Rhode, Cameron
Ritter, Gretchen
Rumbolz, Judy
Schildhauer, Karolyn
Schmaderer, Kathy
Shepherd, Anna
Sitter, Melody
Spaans, Emily
Stormo-Dolge, Mikayla
Tague, Stephani
Tebben, Charles
Timmer, Shelley
Venekamp, Jeffrey
Venhuizen, Vickie
Walker, Dawn
Wasescha, Juliette
Wegner, Ronnell
White, Jazlyn
Winter, Susan
Wiseman, Sarah
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 12, 2024 (AM Session), $25.00 stipend
Allard, Nancy
Allard, Steve
Andersen, Mary Ann
Becker, Stephen
Berkness, Marcia
Boyer, Benedict
Burchill, Lisa
Burkard, Pamela
Buys, Joel
Caron, Jean
Case, Patricia
Chamberlain, Tia
Clay, Davonte
Crisp, Cathy
Dang, Aaron
Drellack, Brittny
Fees, Nancy
Ferrie, Lynn
Fischer, Jessica
Foss, Seth
Grosvenor, Tamara
Gustafson, Janet
Halle, Bret
Halstead, Terri
Hamilton, Jamie
Hayunga, Verlainne
Hegg, John
Hellwig, Sandra
Hermanson, Brian
Hermanson, Laurie
Heyden, Cindy
Hilbrands, Jolene
Hoff, Michelle
Hollestelle, Brianna
Horstman, Glenda
Hustrulid, Kari
Jerman, Madisyn
Jonston, David
Kennedy, Steven
Kirkland, Rebekah
Kraning, Patrick
Krause, Dale
Kroontje, Sharon
Kyle, Kevin
Leal, Diana
McCormack, Nikki
Nemmers, Chris
Nolz, Dennis
Ondrush, Steven
Phillips, Ginger
Phillips, Mark
Portner, Jeana
Powell, Michelle
Reade, Douglas
Remund, Lynne
Ruesink-Cross, Jenae
Santella, Lori
Schulte, Jane
Scott, Cheryl
Steers-Beaird, Nancy
Tims, David
Vilayphone, Siriphone
Walsh, Catrina
Wasmund, Kimberly
Waterbury, Brenda
Weaver, Marta
Ymker, Michelle
Yount, Wendy
Zepeda, Giselle
Zortman, Kristine
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 12, 2024 (PM Session), $25.00 stipend
Aman, Katie
Baumgartner, Brian
Beernink, Ashleigh
Bertsch, Kaitlin
Boltjes, Cyndi
Caselli, Ian
Cole, Anna
Daugherty, Kris
Deak, Gretchen
Donovan-Knott, Diane
Duncan, Robin
Freeman, Jessica
Friske, Carter
Gilbertson, Darwin
Gubbrud, Karon
Haberman, Sharon
Jensen, Charlie
Karras, Donna
Kramer, Shane
Krull, Elizabeth
Lee, Katherine
Lukens, Karen
Manley, Katrina
Nelson, Jordana
Nesdahl, Melissa
Nichols, Diane
Nisich, Cunthia
Norris, Cheryl
Norris, Cheryl
Ortega, Carol
Rahn, Diane
Rames, Julie
Redd, Kenneth
Scheibler, Arrielle
Schoenfelder, Lisa
Slenk, Madison
Spencer, Aron
Spencer, Sarah
Steele, Nichole
Stephenson, Lori
Sterud, Matthew
Vandre, Sherry
VanDenHoek, Brooke
Walter, Stephen
Witt, Catherine
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 13, 2024 (AM Session), $25.00 stipend
Aberson, Connie
Becker, Holly
Benavente, Priscilla
Bennett, Tennille
Benson, Marta
Cunningham, Margaret
Elizabeth, Birkti
Faner, Linda
Ferguson, Randall
Flaa, Gail
Frederick, Jesse
Gabor, Alan
Gieseke, Jeremy
Hanten, MaryAnn
Hathcock, Tara
Hillman, Katlyn
Hofer, Holly
Karber, Nathaniel
Kjesbo, Allen
Knutson, Stephanie
Kolling, Allison
Lewis, Heidi
Lewis, Thomas
Lunders, Maleah
McKissick, Susan
Merrill-Schroeder, Jamie
Meyers, Kay
Moore, Megan
Nielsen, Jeff
Peterson, Michelle
Prince, Eileen
Rhoades, Kristen
Rodig, Rene
Scherr, Peggy
Schmaltz, Nikki
Sechser, Janice
Seiler, Jill
Sepulveda, Monica
Smith, Beverly
Straatmeyer, Katie
Tau, Beckie
Teer, Carl
Thomeson, Andrew
Thrush, Janet
Tiradani, Mary
Tucker, Katheen
Turner, Grant
Vittitoe, Jodi
Waagmeester, Susan
Willett, Stuart
Wrede, Brady
Branson, Duncan
Burchill, Thomas
Carr, Kellicia
Castora, Tanner
Dekrey, Kathleen
Dravland, Ingrid
Edgar-Pater, Chris
Fickel, Shelley
Heckenlaible, Cynthia
Hughes, Shelley
Jensen, Colleen
Jensen, David
Johnson, Courtney
Miller, Haley
Mollet, Pam
Niessink, Matthew
Odland, Pam
O’Hara, Michael
Pabst, Diane
Pabst, Gary
Palcovic, Jill
Schmidt, Paula
Sigette, Jennifer
Sisk, Sally
Stapp, James
Stenger, Jessica
Vincent, Patricia
Vroman, Robert
Walter, Savannah
Wehrkamp, Sandra
White, Tara
Wood, Aliyah
Yunker, Melissa
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 15, 2024 (AM Session), $25.00 stipend
Ailts, Sarah
Andersen, Jill
Anderson, Julie
Baker, Laura
Benedetto, Frank
Benitez, Ivan
Benz, Emma
Blank-Libra, Ross
Bowman, Aaron
Cervantes, Jannelly
Cova, Iralene
Ehrmantraut, Benjamin
Ekeland, Craig
Ellis, Michelle
Fischer, Shane
Fruit, Stephanie
Gulden, Megan
Hamann, Kevin
Hansen, William
Hayat, Sobia
Helling, Kimberly
Hoisington, Doug
Johnson, Noah
Kleinschmit, Lyndsey
Klobassa, Ryan
Large, Julie
Lewis, Sarah
Mayer, Toni
McKinney, LaVonne
Meeks, Tiana
Nolan, Megan
Price, Tom
Schroeder, Susan
Smith, Jeanna
Steers, Alex
Steinwand, Virjean
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 15, 2024 (PM Session), $25.00 stipend
Bainbridge, Brenda
Bell, Brandon
Bertoglia, Boreto
Boyer, Alaina
Buhr, Devann
Compaan, Rodney
Coyne, Mary
Cunningham, Jada
Dickmann, Jacob
Erick, Caitlyn
Florey, David
Grama, Elizabeth
Grevios, Katie
Groves, Stephanie
Hernandez, Sarah
Janecek, Abigail
Kinderman, William
Koel, Sydney
Koth, Heath
Ladd, Sean
Lewis, Nancy
Lothrop, LeAnn
Martin, Dylan
Melko, Penelope
Pavlik, Gregory
Shafer, Janice
Stevens, Blayke
Taylor-Goldberg, Carrie
VanDell, Shawna
Witt, Ashley
Zamarron, Michelle
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 21, 2024, $25.00 stipend
Lewis, Benjamin
Lunstra, Brooke
Strand, Jordan
Treague, Faith
Subs Back to School Safety Training, August 28, 2024, $25.00 stipend
Brennan, Megan
De Guzman, Allan
Lynn, Lisa
Messerli, Gary
Van Briesen, Christopher
Subs Back to School Safety Training, September 4, 2024, $25.00 stipend
Brue, Holly
Durick, Damon
See MRF #19468
Action 39619
A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson two (2) votes “yes” and one (1) abstention (Carly Reiter abstained) on roll call, approving the following claims to Sanford Healthcare Systems.
a. Sanford Training Center in the amount of $88 for Professional Services.
b. Sanford Health Occupational in the amount of $7,036 for Professional Services.
c. Sanford Pentagon in the amount of $123.75 for Professional Services.
d. Sanford Health Clinic in the amount of $3,750 for Professional Services.
Action 39620
Allison Struck, Executive Director of Education Foundation, presented the SF Public Schools Education Foundation Update as follows (MRF#19469):
The Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation plays a vital role in creating innovative educational opportunities and addressing funding gaps that impact students and teachers. The Foundation focuses on three primary areas: curriculum enhancements, talent and recognition, and student success.
Public School Proud Grants offer teachers up to $10,000 for innovative projects.
Since 2009, the program has grown significantly, awarding $120,000 in 2024 to 99 educators. The Foundation has also reached a milestone, surpassing $1 million in total grant funding. Additionally, new educators receive $200 First-Time Teacher Grants, with 74 awarded this year. In response to teacher feedback, the Foundation introduced the Replenish the Room Grants, providing $200 for classroom supplies, which saw overwhelming demand, leading to 120 grants awarded.
The Foundation supports staff appreciation through catered meals, events, and gifts. It has recently expanded its efforts with a $160,000 initiative to enhance appreciation in schools without PTOs and a mental wellness program for staff at all 36 schools. The Foundation also continues its tradition of honoring long-tenured educators.
The Foundation’s Student Success Fund helps students in crisis with basic needs, including food, clothing, and school supplies. It also supports various events like the Native American open house and provides stipends for students in the Teacher Pathway Program. Additionally, the Foundation sponsors TEDx Youth and college fair transportation for high school students.
The Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation manages the Foundation’s endowment, which has grown from $100,000 in 2018 to $730,000. The Foundation also benefits from the Sue Scribner Reading Endowment, which holds $227,000. The Foundation continues to expand its impact, supporting both students and staff while fostering community engagement and effective resource use.
A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, acknowledging the SF Public Schools Education Foundation Update.
Action 39621
Dr. Zeeck, Assistant Superintendent, presented the Postsecondary Report as follows (MRF#19470):
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) predicts that by 2031, 72 percent of all jobs will require workers to have at least some postsecondary credential or training beyond high school. Employer demand for postsecondary education has risen over the decades, with only 32 percent of workers needing at least some college education in 1983.
District graduates continue to pursue enrollment in postsecondary institutions over time due to delayed entrance – a 64% overall average at any time during the first two years after high school from 2016 to 2023. District graduates enrolled in a postsecondary institution during the first year after high school was 57% in 2023, with 42% enrolling in public institutions and 15% enrolling in private institutions.
These records come from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), which enables school districts to access the largest electronic student record exchange provider, representing more than 3,600 post-secondary institutes, enrolling 98 percent of public and private U.S. institutions.
The top three schools SFSD graduates have enrolled in from 2015-2022 are:
University of South Dakota - 1,331 students
South Dakota State University - 1,142 students
Southeast Technical College - 612 Students
Employers will continue to look for cognitive skills such as active listening, the ability to communicate, and critical thinking that make postsecondary education a requirement. Therefore, postsecondary enrollment data will continue to be retrieved and analyzed annually to monitor District graduates.
A motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by marc Murren three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, acknowledging the Postsecondary Report.
Action 39622
Dave Osterquist, Security Coordinator, presented the Safe and Secure Schools Update as follows (MRF#19471):
The Sioux Falls School District has maintained a comprehensive emergency management plan for over 30 years, evolving to meet modern needs. Community partnerships remain vital to maintaining school safety, including the long standing relationship with the Sioux Falls Police Department and their providing of School Resource Officers.
SFSD continues to support the solid foundational elements of the Safe and Secure Schools Plan while moving forward to meet new needs. In 2023, the District replaced its outdated visitor management system with Visitor Aware, which has been well-received by office staff and visitors. The Handle With Care program was introduced in January 2024, allowing law enforcement to notify schools if a student experienced a traumatic event outside of the school day. While no details are shared, schools are encouraged to offer extra care to affected students.
A reunification exercise in February 2024 allowed officials to practice for any sort of event that would require students to be reunified with their parents or guardians. The past year also saw the expansion of the Safe and Secure Advisory Group with the addition of Safe and Secure Student Teams.
Safety hardware is also being updated throughout the District. Analog radios have been replaced with newer, digital alternatives. Howard Wood Field implemented a new safety screening process designed to keep out prohibited items. The rollout has been efficient and overall, well-received.
SFSD has built a strong and reliable foundation to ensure safe schools. Continuing to fortify that foundation while researching ways to enhance and improve protocols will provide the greatest opportunity for continued success. Additional safety improvements will continue to be explored through the budget process.
A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, acknowledging the Safe and Secure Schools Update.
Action 39623
A motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Marc Murren, three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, authorizing an executive session of the School Board to consider student issues in accordance with SDCL §1-25-2 (2). The School Board, thereupon went into executive session at 6:26 p.m. The School Board came out of executive session at 6:44 pm.
Action 39624
This executive session was held in accordance with Sioux Falls School District Policy/Regulation JK/JK-R, SDCL §13-32-4, 4.2 and 7 and South Dakota Administrative Rule 24:07:04:03. Following general discussion and a review of the evidence, a motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Marc Murren, three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, to uphold the decision of the administration to expel one (1) student for twelve (12) months.
Action 39625
On motion by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson three (3) votes “yes” on roll call, the School Board adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Presiding Officer
Business Manager
Published once on Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $1,129.76, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, 2024
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
The School Board of the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, was called into special session, pursuant to due notice, on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. in the Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with the following members present: Nan Kelly, Marc Murren, Gail Swenson Vice President Dawn Marie Johnson, and President Carly Reiter. Absent: Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent of Schools. Todd Vik, Business Manager, Brett Arenz, In-House Counsel, Dr. Nold, Assistant Superintendent, Jeff Kreiter, Director of Operational Services, Josh Hall, Principal of Career and Technical Education Academy, and Brett Arenz, In-House Counsel, were also present.
* * * * *
The purpose of this work session was to provide updates on Facility Plan Updates and Bond Planning timelines.
Dr. Nold, and Mr. Kreiter, provided an overview of the facility plans of Sioux Falls School District buildings.
Mr. Hall provided an overview of the agriculture addition at Career and Technical Education Academy.
Dr. Nold, outlined the bond plans and timelines.
Action 39626
On motion by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, the School Board adjourned at 3:52 p.m.
Presiding Officer
Business Manager
Published once on Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $15.91, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, 2024
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
The School Board of the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, was called into regular session, pursuant to due notice, on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 4:01 p.m. in the Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with the following members present: President Carly Reiter, Vice President Dawn Marie Johnson, Nan Kelly, Marc Murren, Gail Swenson. Absent: None.
* * * * *
Vice President Dr. Benjamin Valdez shared Southeast Tech has received notice from the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs subcommittee on Medical Assisting Education Review Board that our Medical Assisting program has achieved reaccreditation. Also, Jo Penning, program director for the Southeast Technical College’s Medical Assistant program, has been awarded the Golden Apple Award for the 2024 Best Educator from the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB). The award was presented at the MAERB annual conference in Grand Rapids, MI, September 20-23, 2024. According to nomination materials, Jo was recognized for her expertise in medical assisting, innovative teaching methods, commitment to student success and community engagement. Congratulations, Jo!
* * * * *
Action ST00854 A motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Gail Swenson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call approving the minutes of meetings held on September 4, 2024, and which were furnished to the Sioux Falls Argus leader for publication, in unapproved form, all in accordance with SDCL §13-8-35.
Action ST00855 A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, approving the agenda as presented.
* * * * *
President Reiter asked about any conflicts of interest. None were brought forward.
Action ST00856 A motion was made by Dawn Marie Johnson and seconded by Nan Baker, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, approving Item A through D on the consent agenda as follows:
A. Approving the Authorizations and Ratifications, as follows:
A.1. Approval of Contracts
Authorizing the President to enter into and execute contracts, for and on behalf of the Southeast Technical College, as follows:
Item No. Contract Number Contractor-Project Cost
a. 25-004, BV South Eastern Council of Governments-Administrative support for HUD grant $200,000
A.2. Approval/Ratification of Purchase Orders
Authorizing the Business Manager to issue Purchase Order(s) requiring additional approval of the School Board as follows:
Item PO No. Vendor Description Total Cost
a. S2502416 Transact Campus, Inc. Transact to S2 Door Access Migration $15,506.38
b. S2502563 Modern Campus Modern Campus Renewal $33,733.62
c. S2502590 Elevate HealthCare, Inc. Simulation Center Program Equipment – Health Core $193,157.25
d. S2502591 Philips HealthCare Simulation Center Program Equipment – Cardiovascular $127,597.28
B. Approving the Consolidated Report of Trust and Agency Funds of October 2, 2024, and stating for the record that as of August 31, 2024, receipts total $9,758,809.46 and disbursements total $5,891,808.99 (MRF #ST630).
C. Approving the Vice President of Finance and Operation’s Report of October 2, 2024, in accordance with the SDCL §13-8-35 (MRF #ST631) and directing that detailed statement of receipts and balances on hand, as of September 30, 2024, be published as part of these minutes, in accordance with SDCL §13-8-3.
D. Accepting the Southeast Tech Personnel Report, as follows:
D1. Resignations
Accepting the resignation of School District Personnel as of the effective date indicated, the personnel having been previously employed by Board Action, as follows:
Name Location/Position Effective Date
Student Help, Part-Time
Perrin, Noel Human Resources 04-17-24
Beck, Erika Horticulture 05-03-24
Instructor, Full-Time
Schmidt, Mark Engineering 07-23-24
Other Help, Part-Time
Diego Francisco, Dolores Food Service 09-04-24
Johnson, Kari Food Service 09-18-24
D2. Employment Recommendations
Name Location/Position Effective Date Amount
Student Help, Part-Time, Hourly
Dunham, Sophia Admissions 08-26-24 $15.00
Tigert, Trevor Admissions 09-03-24 $15.00
Bloom-Poncelet, Madyson Scarbrough 09-03-24 $15.00
Casilli, Dominic Tutor 09-16-24 $15.00
Retterath, Anna Horticulture 09-16-24 $15.00
Larson, Keeley Scarbrough 09-16-24 $15.00
Other Help, Part-Time, Hourly
Neumeister, Deb Tutor 09-03-24 $25.00
Holzemer, Callista Food Service 09-03-24 $16.50
Lingen, Peter Testing Center 09-09-24 $16.50
Engelkes, Tracy Food Service 09-10-24 $16.50
Shepherd, Anna Tutor 09-16-24 $25.00
Fluit, Heather Tutor 09-16-24 $25.00
Miller, Amy Foundation 09-10-24 $25.00
Instructor, Adjunct, Part-Time, Per Credit Hour
Albrecht, Judd Media 09-16-24 $821.50
Instructor, Adjunct, Part-Time, Clinical Per Hour
Kline, Stephanie Nursing & Health 09-16-24 $46.00
Krinke, Dominique Nursing & Health 09-09-24 $34.00
Instructor, Adjunct Fall 2024, Stipend
Adamson, Heather English 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Argon, Michael Business Administration 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Allenstein, Keith Law Enforcement 09-01-24 $2,830.20
Atkins, Melissa Early Childhood 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Baker, Shelly Business Administration 09-01-24 $5,660.40
Barrow, Nathan English 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Becker, Luke Business Administration 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Blok, Kelly Computer Information 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Borgen, Cory Turf Management 09-01-24 $1,643.00
Brandt, Nicole Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $2,464.50
Buchman, Dean Engineering 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Byall, Jennifer Mathematics 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Cavin, Georgina Accounting 09-01-24 $3,561.60
Claussen, Jaclyn Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Cox, Bryan Engineering 09-01-24 $3,264.00
Cruse, Laura English 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Daugherty, Catherine Business Administration 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Davis, Chris Accounting 09-01-24 $3,561.60
Davis, Dana Automotive 09-01-24 $2,464.50
De Zuviria Padlock, Maria Computer Information 09-01-24 $4,929.00
Ekstrum, Jacqueline Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $15,094.40
Ellerbusch, Jenna Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $7,393.50
Erdman, Corliss Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $1,848.38
Frohwein, Jeffrey Business Administration 09-01-24 $8,013.60
Garcia, Joshua Automotive 09-01-24 $1,643.00
Gertsma, Leann English 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Goldsmith, Sandee Psychology 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Halfpop, Emily Natural Science 09-01-24 $7,123.20
Hansen, Blair Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $5,750.50
Hanson, Mylynn Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Heckenlaible, Justin Computer Information 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Heppler, Jeffrey Horticulture 09-01-24 $8,804.00
Hogan, Stephanie Environmental Science 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Honey, Andrew Computer Information 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Horan, Steven Accounting 09-01-24 $3,561.60
Ivarsen, McCade Business Administration 09-01-24 $10,684.80
Jones, Suzanne Early Childhood 09-01-24 $8,013.60
Jordahl, Lindsay Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $4,929.00
Judeh, Huda Computer Information 09-01-24 $6,232.80
Kassing, Elizabeth Engineering 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Kluin, Emily English 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Kreckel, Darrell Computer Information 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Lane, Brittany Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $821.50
Lemke, Sean Psychology 09-01-24 $2,464.50
Lindell, Mark Speech 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Livermont, Derek Computer Information 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Lothrop, LeAnn Computer Information 09-01-24 $5,342.40
McGee, Patricia Business Administration 09-01-24 $5,660.40
McManus, Stacy Business Administration 09-01-24 $8,013.60
Mehlhaf, Samantha Veterinary Technology 09-01-24 $2,830.20
Mekelburg, Erin Computer Information 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Melroe, Shelby Sociology 09-01-24 $8,013.60
Merrill, Kathryn American Sign Language 09-01-24 $2,464.50
Mills, Ann Chemistry 09-01-24 $11,080.00
Morris, Brandon Computer Information 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Morris, Roger Computer Information 09-01-24 $8,490.60
Nowell, Koree Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $4,929.00
Olson, Julie Physics 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Penning, Jolene Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $2,464.50
Pepper, Merrel Computer Information 09-01-24 $6,232.80
Perkins-Hicks, Debra Natural Science 09-01-24 $11,320.80
Peters, Dennis Business Administration 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Pierce, Steven Media 09-01-24 $3,561.60
Price Lee, Julia Psychology 09-01-24 $2,830.20
Reagan, Kelly English 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Reimnitz, Laura Veterinary Technology 09-01-24 $9,569.50
Rieck, Matthew Mathematics 09-01-24 $8,013.60
Ringling, Amanda Environmental Science 09-01-24 $2,464.50
Rose, Jean Business Administration 09-01-24 $2,830.20
Schnider, Nicole Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $4,907.00
Schoenfelder, Tonya Law Enforcement 09-01-24 $5,440.00
Schwebach, Gregory Engineering 09-01-24 $2,464.50
Stacey, Taylor Mathematics 09-01-24 $8,904.00
Stueven, Rebecca Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $7,393.50
Sullivan, Shawn Business Administration 09-01-24 $5,660.40
Talcott, Roberta Business Administration 09-01-24 $2,830.20
Traylor, Michael Computer Information 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Tschetter, Lisa Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $7,393.50
VanOverbeke, Jeffrey Speech 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Vettrus, Jill Mathematics 09-01-24 $7,123.20
Wadhwa, Anju Computer Information 09-01-24 $1,780.80
Walton, Evan English 09-01-24 $7,123.20
Walton, Tarah Law Enforcement 09-01-24 $5,342.40
Weber, Jessica Accounting 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Weihe, Kimberly Marketing 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Wellnitz, Kristin Psychology 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Willer, Lexie Nursing & Health 09-01-24 $4,107.50
Williams, Brian Marketing 09-01-24 $2,671.20
Wolff, Dana Business Administration 09-01-24 $9,434.00
Student Activity/Group Advisors, Stipend
Sundquist, Allison Volleyball 09-01-24 $1,598.50
Carruthers, Tara Volleyball 09-01-24 $1,598.50
Anderson, Alex Bowling 09-01-24 $1,400.00
Landhuis, Carmen Bowling 09-01-24 $1,400.00
Rogotzke, Kelli Disc Golf 09-01-24 $2,800.00
Osborn, Michelle Soccer 09-01-24 $3,197.00
Williams, Brian Trap Shooting 09-01-24 $2,800.00
Huizing, Susanne Student Club 09-01-24 $530.00
Kassing, Elizabeth Student Group 09-01-24 $1,643.00
Letsche, Paul Student Group 09-01-24 $1,643.00
Honey, Andrew Student Club 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Leloux, Loretta Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Jorgensen, Kally Student Club 09-01-24 $530.00
Schwebach, Greg Student Group 09-01-24 $1,643.00
Haynes, Matthew Student Group 09-01-24 $1,643.00
Ringling, Benjamin Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Frentz, Patrick Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Prokop, Marcella Student Club 09-01-24 $530.00
Pottratz, Jennifer Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Prouty, Terry Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Berry, Vincent Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Willer, Lexie Student Group 09-01-24 $821.50
Jordahl, Lindsay Student Group 09-01-24 $821.50
Vanden Bosch, Raquel Student Group 09-01-24 $821.50
Burns, Shannan Student Group 09-01-24 $821.50
Weston, Shasta Student Club 09-01-24 $530.00
Borgen, Cory Student Group 09-01-24 $3,286.00
Cruse, Laura Student Club 09-01-24 $265.00
Frentz, Patrick Student Club 09-01-24 $265.00
Weihe, Kimberly Student Club 09-01-24 $530.00
Gries, Keith Student Club 09-01-24 $265.00
Valdez, Martin Student Club 09-01-24 $265.00
Dakota Dreams Event, Stipend
Devorak, Lisha Nursing & Health 09-30-24 $100.00
Schwartz, Colette Nursing & Health 09-30-24 $100.00
Sparkman, Jennifer Nursing & Health 09-30-24 $100.00
Weber, Jessica Accounting 09-30-24 $200.00
Davis, Chris Business Administration 09-30-24 $100.00
Conrad, Anthony Media 09-30-24 $200.00
Warkenthien, Richard Media 09-30-24 $200.00
Pepper, Dustin Nursing & Health 09-30-24 $100.00
Pottratz, Jennifer Nursing & Health 09-30-24 $100.00
Penning, Jolene Nursing & Health 09-30-24 $100.00
D3. Wage Increases
Name Location/Position Effective Date Amount
Other Help, Part-Time, Hourly
McLain, Kevin Testing Center 07-01-24 $18.00
Sonnenschein, Sarah Testing Center 07-01-24 $18.00
D4. Change of Status
Name Delete Add Effective Date
Stubbe, Scott Adjunct Mechanical Engineering Instructor Part-Time $890.40/credit hour Interim Mechanical Engineering Instructor 186-Day, 1.0 FTE Level 3, Step 10 $67,124/year 09-01-24
VanLaecken, Erik Chief Information Officer 12-Month, Administrator Level 5, Step 5 $147,460/year Chief Information Officer 12-Month, Administrator Level 3, Step 5 $160,010/year 07-01-24
Action ST00857 Instructor Josh Garcia provided the Automotive Technology Report (MRF #ST632). Southeast Technical College provides a comprehensive range of programs in the Transportation sector. One of those programs is in the Automotive Technology program. The two-year Automotive Technology program provides an AAS degree. STC provides a broad spectrum of courses toward foundational skills in automotive service and diagnostics. Students get training on many types of vehicles and perform repairs ranging from transmission overhaul to computer systems diagnosis. STC’s Automotive Department trains students to have a thorough knowledge of vehicle operation and comprehensive repair. Up to 70 students ranging from 1st and 2nd year are in this program at any given point. Students can start in any class in the program. The program has both Fall and Spring starts. Classes are filled with a combination of new and returning students. This keeps the class sizes full/diverse. The combination of two instructors and two lab specialists and scheduling allows the program to have two ongoing courses at the same time. The STC Automotive Technology program is an ASE Education Foundation Master accredited program giving the students the opportunity to enter the job field certified and proven. The program strives to give back to the community and volunteer labor to military veterans or nonprofits in the community. The program is laying the foundation for the next age of technicians and STC instructors are well equipped to give the students the skills industry is asking them to have. Following general discussion, a motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call acknowledging the Academic Automotive Technology Report.
Action ST00858 Vice President for Enrollment Management Megan Fischer provided the 2024 Fall Enrollment Report (MRF #633). Fall 2024 enrollment highlights include Southeast Technical College’s Fall 2024 headcount is up 7% from Fall 2023 and STC’s Fall 2024 credit count is up 7% from Fall 2023. Following general discussion, a motion was made by Dawn Marie Johnson and seconded by Nan Kelly, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call acknowledging the Fall 2024 Enrollment Report.
Action ST00859 Director of Financial Aid Micah Hansen provided the Financial Aid Report (MRF #ST634). Financial Aid report highlights included the number of students seeking and utilizing financial aid services for school year 2023/24 and 2024/25, a comparison with 2024-25 data for the financial aid office, topics and presentation training highlights and financial aid issue highlights and federal processing notes. Following general discussion, a motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Dawn Marie Johnson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call acknowledging the Financial Aid Report.
Action ST00860 On motion by Marc Murren and seconded by Dawn Marie Johnson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, the School Board adjourned at 4:49 p.m.
Presiding Officer
Business Manager
Published once on Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $178.92, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024
Major work items are site grading, utility installation, curb and gutter installation, asphalt roadway paving, and street lighting installation. Sealed bids shall be received at the Sayre Associates office, 216 S Duluth Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104, not later than 2 P.M. on Friday, October 18, 2024.
Plans, specifications and bid forms that must be used are available online at Refer to the bid documents under the Aurora’s Addition – Phase 1 Street Construction Plans box. Sayre Associates, Inc. will also provide paper copies of the plans, specifications, and bid forms to any South Dakota contractor free of charge.
This project may be partially funded using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. As a condition of the ARPA funding guidelines, the Contractor shall meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Based on the “Build America, Buy America” provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and E.O. 14005 which provide that, as appropriate and to the extent consistent with law, a preference will be provided to Contractors for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). The Contractor shall provide documentation of their efforts to meet the provisions of “Build America, Buy America” upon request.
2. The Contractor shall make a good faith effort to utilize Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and/or Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and shall provide documentation of the effort to solicit bids from qualified entities upon request. A copy of the DBE Subcontractor Solicitation Information Form shall be included with the original bid submission documents.
3. A copy of the ARPA funding guidance that outlines the requirements associated with projects that utilize this funding can be found at the following link:
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with Title 40 CFR 35 Title 40 CFR 33 and Executive Order 12138. The goals and other requirements for bidders and contractors under this regulation which concerns utilization of disadvantaged/minority business enterprises.
The South Eastern Development Foundation reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of the South Eastern Development Foundation.
Published twice on Oct. 4 & Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $63.61, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024
Shannon Jay Stuefen who was sentenced in Minnehaha County on the 15 day of January, 2004,
to 2 years penitentiary suspended, $920.00 fines, costs, and restitution
for the crime of
DUI 3rd Offense
has applied to the South Dakota Board of Pardons and Paroles for: Pardon
Published on Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024, at the approximate cost of $20.63, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024
Shannon Jay Stuefen who was sentenced in Minnehaha County on the 13 day of September, 2014,
to 18 months penitentiary suspended, 2 years probation, $4104.00 fines, cost and rest.
for the crime of
Possession of Controlled Substance
has applied to the South Dakota Board of Pardons and Paroles for: Pardon
Published on Oct. 11, Oct. 14 & Oct. 25, 2024, at the approximate cost of $20.63, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 4, Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024
PRO. 24-265
Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of September, 2024, Thomas P. Hansen, whose post office address is 312 11th Avenue, Apt. 10C, New York, New York, 10001, was appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of Thomas L. Hansen, deceased.
Creditors of the decedent must present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred.
Claims may be delivered to or mailed to the Personal Representative or may be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and a copy of the claim mailed or delivered to the Personal Representative.
Dated this 27th day of September, 2024.
Thomas P. Hansen - Personal Representative 312 11th Avenue, Apt. 10C
New York, New York 10001
Clerk of Circuit Court Minnehaha County Courthouse 425 N. Dakota Avenue
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104 (605) 367-5900
Dell Rapids Law Firm
P.O. Box 100
Dell Rapids, SD 57022-0100
(605) 428-5444
Attorneys for Personal Representative
Published on Oct. 4, Oct. 11 & Oct. 18, 2024, at the approximate cost of $49.41, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024
PRO. 24-267
Notice is given that on October 3, 2024, Virginia Lee Kahler, whose address is PO Box 90516, Sioux Falls, SD 57109, was appointed as personal representative of the estate of Alan Bryce Kahler.
Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred.
Claims may be filed with the personal representative or may be filed with the Clerk, and a copy of the claim mailed to the personal representative.
Dated this 4 day of October, 2024.
Virginia Lee Kahler
PO Box 90516
Sioux Falls, SD 57109
Clerk of Circuit Court
Minnehaha County Courthouse
425 N. Dakota Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 367-5900
Michael H. Paulson
Christopherson, Anderson,
Paulson & Fideler, LLP
426 E. 8th St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57l03-7025
(605) 336-1030
Attorneys for Personal Representative
Published on Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024, at the approximate cost of $48.57, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, 2024
Notice is hereby given that Articles of Termination of Equity Management Partners Intermex, LLC, a South Dakota limited liability company (the “Company”), heretofore having a principal place of business at 300 North Dakota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104, was duly filed with the South Dakota Secretary of State effective as of October 2, 2024, pursuant to the provisions of the South Dakota Codified Laws (the “SDCL”). In accordance with SDCL 47-34A-808 of the SDCL, this notice of the Company’s dissolution is being published to request that all persons with claims, accounts or demands, whether known or unknown, against the Company or its members or managers in their capacities as such, present such claims, accounts and demands in writing to the Company by forwarding such written claims, accounts and demands to the following mailing address:
Equity Management Partners Intermex, LLC c/o Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
833 East Michigan Street, Suite 1800 Milwaukee, WI 53202
Any claim, account and/or demand submitted to the Company pursuant hereto shall contain the following information: (i) the name and address of the claimant; (ii) the amount of the claim; and (iii) a description of the nature of the claim, including the factual basis of the claim.
All claims, accounts and demands against the Company or its members or managers are barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim, account or demand is brought within five (5) years after the publication date of this Notice.
Published once on Oct. 11, 2024, at the approximate cost of $25.23, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, Oct. 18, Oct. 25 & Nov. 1, 2024
FILE NO: 49CIV24-4186
Notice is hereby given a Verified Petition for Adult Name Change has been filed by Hannah Christine Larsen the object and prayer of which is to change Petitioner’s name from Hannah Christine Larsen to Hannah Christine Argula Margett. On the 26th day of November, 2024, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. said verified petition will be heard by this Court before the Honorable Judge Power Presiding, at the Court Room in the Minnehaha County Courthouse, City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, or as soon thereafter as is convenient for the court. Anyone may come and appear at that time and place and show reasons, if any, why said name should not be changed as requested. Dated this 8th day of October, 2024 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Sarah Patzer
Clerk of Court
Published on Oct. 11, Oct. 18, Oct. 25 & Nov. 1, 2024, at the approximate cost of $56.62, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024
NO. 49CIV24-003349
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the third party complaint of the Third Party Plaintiff, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the attorney for the Third Party Plaintiff, at the address below, within thirty days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service.
IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, judgment by default may be rendered against you as requested in Third Party Plaintiff’s Complaint sixty days after the completed service of Third Party Plaintiff’s Summons and Complaint.
Dated this the 8th day of August, 2024.
Respectfully submitted,
Ryland Deinert
KLASS LAW FIRM, L.L.P. Mayfair Center, Upper Level 4280 Sergeant Road, Suite 290 Sioux City, IA 51106 WWW.KLASSLAW.COM 712/252-1866 712/252-5822 fax
Published on Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024 at the approximate cost of $65.85, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024
NO. 49CIV24-003349
COME NOW Defendants and for their answer to Plaintiff’s Complaint state:
1. Paragraph 1 is denied for lack of sufficient information.
2. Paragraph 2 is admitted.
3. Paragraph 3 is admitted that the residence located at 1402 Bitterroot Road,
Dell Rapids, South Dakota, was a spec home built in 2017 by the Defendant. The remainder of the denied for lack of sufficient information.
4. Paragraph 4 is denied.
5. Paragraph 5 is admitted that Defendant was the general contractor. The
remainder of the paragraph is denied.
6. Paragraph 6 is denied.
WHEREFORE Defendants pray that Plaintiff’s Complaint be dismissed and all costs taxed to Plaintiff.
1. That plaintiff’s damages, if any, were caused by third parties over whom these Defendants had no control and for whom these Defendants cannot be held liable.
Defendants hereby respectfully demand a trial by jury of all issues in this case.
1. Third Party Plaintiff is a resident of Minnehaha County, Iowa and served as the Registered Agent of Mark Crisp Construction, LLC.
2. Third Party Defendants 3D Plumbing and Jody Eldeen are residents of Minnehaha County South Dakota, and Jody Eldeen served as the Registered Agent and owner of 3D Plumbing, LLC.
3. Third Party Plaintiff hired Third Party Defendants to install plumbing in a residence later sold to Nicholas Kahler.
4. State Farm Fire and Casualty Company has sued Mark Crisp, Individually, and as Registered Agent of Mark Crisp Construction, LLC for losses related to the damages to its insured, Nicholas Kahler’s residence.
3. The alleged damages of State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, if actual, were not the fault of Third Party Plaintiffs, but were proximately caused by the negligence of 3D Plumbing, LLC and Jody Eldeen.
4. The negligence of 3D Plumbing, LLC and Jody Eldeen, included but was not necessarily limited to the following:
a. failure to properly stall the supply hose to the faucet in the upstairs bathroom.
b. failure to properly install the supply hose in a workmanlike manner consistent with good plumbing practices.
5. If the jury awards any damages to State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, 3D Plumbing, LLC and Jody Eldeen are liable for all or part of those damages.
6. The negligence of Mark Crisp, Individually, and as Registered Agent of Mark Crisp Construction, LLC, which is denied, should be imputed to 3DPlumbing, LLC and Jody Eldeen.
Respectfully submitted,
Ryland Deinert
KLASS LAW FIRM, L.L.P. Mayfair Center, Upper Level 4280 Sergeant Road, Suite 290 Sioux City, IA 51106 WWW.KLASSLAW.COM 712-252-1866
712-252-5822 fax
Published on Oct. 11, Oct. 18 & Oct. 25, 2024, at the approximate cost of $111.86, and may be viewed free of charge at or
The Dakota Scout is the official newspaper of the city of Sioux Falls, the Sioux Falls School District and the city of Baltic.