So Noem is flying to Texas——presumably on the state plane with security detail——to protest a U.S. Supreme Court decision. Noem will "stand with Texas and the National Guard and tell them that the nation is with them,” notwithstanding that decision. It's preciously ironic, considering the contempt Noem would have for some other governor flying off to a distant state on the public's dime to protest SCOTUS abortion and gun decisions, with which "the nation" disagrees.

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Wish she cared about South Dakota as much as she does press events.

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Trump doesn't need any help in South Dakota, so I'm assuming he will exploit Noem to the fullest with staged appearances in other states. And since our Government Accountability Board declined to determine and apply the plain meaning of "state business," she might as well use the state plane. Naturally, she will continue to make as many scripted Fox/Newsmax appearances as she can to keep the pilot light on to her ego.

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The place to resolve this issue is in Congress. She should go there and tell her fellow Republicans to stop stonewalling the bipartisan bill that is ready to pass.

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I fully agree and it MIGHT pass congress. However the problem will be with this insipid senate, many who mush-mouth "stuff", but there aren't enough votes to overcome Obama's veto!

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Based on your post, there is no reason for the Congress not to pass the legislation. If the Senate doesn't pass it, blame the Senate. If both houses pass it, send it to the President. If he vetoes it, fine -- then you have an argument that he's doing nothing about the border problems. Until then it's pretty clear it's House Republicans doing the stonewalling to give their hero, Trump, a reason to criticize. All those people put their party and "winning" above the needs of the nation for which they should be ousted.

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Noem thinks she knows more about constitutional law than the Supreme Court?

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A conservative supreme court too, ironically

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You think the Court always gets it right?

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Not at all. However, as a civilized society we are expected to follow the rule of law and decisions made by SCOTUS. There are other avenues to take if one disagrees, other than defying a court order. It's a very dangerous precedent to do otherwise.

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The governor who says hungry kids and no childcare in her state are “not her problem” has plenty of time to “run razor wire to Texas” (her words). Can’t wait till we can get a governor who doesn’t just see us as a stepping stone to further her personal ambitions.

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In finishing my thought, this is clearly just another opportunity for Noem to make a spectacle of herself in her continuing campaign to pay homage to Trump. She's a shameless sycophant whose ego has so far out-stripped her brain that it's just a constant sh-tshow. Sorry for the vulgarity, but when the shoe fits....

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The administration is working with Senate Republicans for the best border security measures in decades, but House Republicans said they won’t even consider a bipartisan bill from the Senate. The Republicans want to use the border to attack Biden; they are willing to allow fentanyl and illegals to come across the border to hurt Biden. Surely there are common sense Republicans who care more about America and solving problems than power and political theater.

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Wonder who was paid to make her Levi's look worn...

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And let me pose a very basic question to Noem/Trump supporters: If there were a magic wand that could be waved to resolve all border issues as of today, would Trump support waving the wand? If your answer is "yes," you are not in touch with the reality of Donald Trump. Despite Noem's vacuous platitude——"[Trump} doesn’t think he’s better than anyone. He stands for every American."——it is abundantly clear and has been for decades that Trump stands for Donald Trump and the Trump 'brand." Period. Beyond getting their vote, he doesn't even give a rat's ass about his fans.

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Kristi Noem hard at work in Pierre during the legislative session....

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Dan Ahlers, your -and our- great grandparents followed America's immigration laws. They didn't start their lives here with a criminal act. They were required to prove their ability to work, and often to have sponsors here waiting for them. They underwent health screenings and were turned away if sick. When they arrived they didn't ask he government for handouts, welfare, free Healthcare. They worked their asses off to support themselves. They learned English. They assimilated. They made us a better country. None of that is true for the people entering this country illegally now. Don't try to compare two vastly different situations and pretend this isn't all about importing yourself a voting block. Some of us know better.

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This is what happens when the federal government doesn't do its job - others get frustrated and try to do it for them. All Texas is doing is trying to stop the influx of drugs and people coming illegally into the country. We should all thank them, as it affects all of us. This is a HUGE issue. It will not be a good look for the feds to come in and take the razor wire down, allowing more illegals to come pouring into the country. I commend the governor of Texas for taking a courageous stand here.

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The Modern GOP is Not about Solving Problems, it is All About Looking Good for the News Spot. Your Analysis is Wrong.

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South Dakota is not a border state. Texas and the federal government (both with orders of magnitude more funding than SD) can handle their own problems.

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So when the court sides with her, it's okay; but when it doesn't, it's wrong?????

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Import and fill the Rio Grande with pirahna.

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