Assuming she has adequate security people, she will stay in different motels, eat in different restaurants. The pattern for people needing high levels of security should be no pattern. So no need to hide where she stayed or ate. We have a right to know when, where, why and how much was spent. If it’s a political event or part of her actual duties, we have a right to know. If it’s a private event still requiring security, we have a right to know security costs. Anytime she takes a state aircraft for business or pleasure, ee have a right to know. The State Auditor may have been told to create a smokescreen. Charge thru it!!!!

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KRIKEY!!!!! Over $75K the first quarter? How much ARE GROCERIES in Pierre??????

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Should absolutely be a way to accomplish this. Redact specific details about charges that could compromise safety, but the line item amounts, items, services, etc. should be public at the least.

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Catch the Governor before her 10 years are up. We are paying for her spending!

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Hmm. We'll see what the Modern GOP Court Judges do with this. Just a Wild Guess, NO.

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Good. Flush them out. These are the same lavish tax and spenders who cry alligator tears over cutting the state sales tax on groceries while blithely wasting collective millions.

Segue to the recent debate: "He [trump] Kristi Noem'd his own campaign." - Nicole Wallace.

Noem apparently set the standard.

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Apparently, a good number South Dakota government employees are stealing from the public.

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A good number? It seems any number is not a good number. Hopefully, 99+% are not stealing and are earning their compensation.

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Three in the last few months (potentially including the Governor)!

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True. However, three culprits that we know about compared to all the state employees makes a pretty small number of violators. I do agree with you that any number of thieves is too many.

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I agree with everything Rick Knobe said.

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Good for you

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Just to be clear, I do this kind of work because I think it's important, but I have never regarded myself as a "specialist."

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Give em hell ✊

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Accountability is easy for honest people.

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Is auditor Sattgast an attorney? (doubtful) And if not shouldn’t he be referring to a State attorney or the Attorney General for a legal opinion. Having an auditor quoting what state law says is somewhat suspicious to begin with.

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Thank you, Dakota Scout. We as taxpayers have a right to know where our money is going.

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