Nancy is the perfect person to help with this. She is thoughtful, rational, and deeply caring. And, she gets things done. Thank you!

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Noem tells us South Dakota is all about FREEDOM! Freedom is about having a CHOICE! No radical right-wing 'Christians' should have the right to IMPOSE their beliefs on others. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Seems this is also a constitutional violation that few are talking about.

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"Radical right-wing Christians"? Christians do not impose on anyone's belief. Christians disagree with abortions naturally, only because destroying a viable life is wrong. How many cases threaten a woman annually? It's all about a woman and a man who do not take precautions, and then when the woman becomes pregnant, she decides to abort. It is nothing short of stupidity, and then you have politicians as stupid as those who do not think.

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This announcement makes me smile. Rick weiland has used his organizational skills to get this issue to the voters. Yes, he can’t be pregnant, but he clearly is passionate about the issue. It is appropriate for women to lead the discussion now. Nancy Turback Berry and other women will do an excellent job. I know they will be victorious.

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It would be fun to watch Nancy dance circles around Ms. No Exception Noem in a debate. Well, Noem doesn't know how to actually debate, but you catch my drift. [By the way, it would be a good time for everybody to review Noem's pathetic performance when interviewed by Dana Bash on July 3, 2022. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2022/07/03/kristi-noem-south-dakota-governor-abortion-ban-bash-sotu-vpx.cnn. Kristi wasn't much better on April 21, 2024, when she deliberately avoided answering Bash's question whether she agreed with Trump and thought SD's law was too draconian. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/04/21/sotu-noem-on-abortion.cnn#:~:text=Noem%20over%20lack%20of%20rape%2C%20incest%20exceptions%20in%20South%20Dakota%20abortion%20ban,-Video%20Ad%20Feedback&text=South%20Dakota%20Gov.,tragedy%20should%20perpetuate%20another%20tragedy.%22] If they had a contest for Ms. Meretricious Mandarin, Noem would have no serious competition.

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The mythology of abortion as health care is rejected here in South Dakota and will, hopefully, continue to be.

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The term "pregnant women" is exclusionary & discriminative. It's "Birthing Persons"

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Shame on Turbak-Berry for "misstating" the facts of the SD law on abortion. Everything she said is false. Perhaps her pro-abortion group believe people will accept her statements as truth because she was a judge?

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"thoughtful...deeply caring...gets things done." For whom? For that innocent baby getting their limbs sucked off and their skull crushed? Or being burned from the inside out by the pill. Yup. Or the mother grieving from depression or now sterile? She'll get things done all right...all the way to the final heartbeat...and finish what the "person" making the statement started with the signatures of death. "Thoughtful. Caring. And get things done." Sick. How's that "#1" burger taste now? It came at a high cost...of life.

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The terrible truth, as uttered by renowned Liberal Bill Maher, is that abortion is murder. But he doesn't care and neither does Weiland or Turbak-Berry.

The Left has always been complicit in hiding the the truth of the horrendous medical injuries caused by abortion. Whether performed at abortion mills or now under the "morning after pill".

The latter's use will be restricted after the FDA approved it's use over the overwhelming evidence of it's medical harm to women.

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