I feel that continued information and education campaign year round is needed to get us to the national average of 30%

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Trash collection in Sioux Falls needs to be much more well thought out. In any given neighborhood, there's multiple companies' trucks driving all around multiple days each week. Divide the city into viable routes, take multiple bids, keeping many businesses going. Alongside this, develop sound recycling practices and reach out to households via the collection efforts. We all have trash, some can be recycled, and it is a valuable and viable business practice. Not to mention we could do our part to reduce waste.

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If the rate is so low, perhaps the thing to do is cut losses and stop the program.

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The "When in doubt throw it out" campaign has encouraged us to throw more things in the trash. That campaign conveyed to us that the city is only interested in recycling very few types of items. For example, they don't seem to want any color or style of glass. Same with plastics. So, it is confusing. If the city wouldn't charge the recycling firms for their trash, those firms might be more receptive to sorting the things they want from those they don't, without sending notes to residents. If the city tells us to put less in the recycling, we will and have. Now, they are complaining we don't put enough in the bin. They are hard to please.

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